ok it's time to let the curtains down, no more show!
i have blogged enough, had a great experience, find many friends, read many nice blogs,... and learned my lessons: I've said enough shit.
Thanks to all who tolerated this crap, great thanks to those who never commented & bigger thanks to those warm comments. I enjoyed it a lot.
let's put all i wanna say in my last post in 2005 in a logical order.
future plans
- gonna be 25 this wednesday, sob!
- i hate this day
- not gonna be any birthday party
- it's a nice number, enough time to feel many ups & downs
- it's a lot fun to die on yer birthday
- i'm goin outta states next week, if still breathing
- won't bring anyone souveniors
- the rest's none of yer business
wish list
- Merry Christmas everyone.
- wish yo all health & happiness & surely money.
- hope Santa gives what yo waiting for.
- The planets set your social life abuzz -- you flicker and flit from person to person sharing your effervescent affection. You live for the moment, but when the party is over, speculate on its significance.
- comment:what?!
- thank you friends
- i love ya all
- im not gonna do anything foolish
- i'll write next year
- bye all
- hug meeeeeeeeee
I will miss you. In fact, you may give me the strength to finally take my blog out of its misery. I appreciate that. I'll miss your Metallica references and the random pictures and that mad ball game where it bounces on the blocks and you can get power-ups AND THEN YOU CAN DOMINATE THE INTERNET. Thanks for all the memories, even though I have Alzheimer's. Good bye, Keith Richards, and happy 25th birthday.
Plus hugs
P.S.S. There is no way to suffocate one's self without hangin'
thanks for the hugs & happy b'day.
i'm sure yo have alzheimer cos Keith Richards' RS guitarist, i'm another Keith\1
if yo like Metallica i got tones of their pics & posters, ican send yo some plus some cool links!
& if yo like the magic ball; i can send yo the pic of every 100 level!
yo blog ain't in misery but yo misery yerself; thanks for havin so many funny ideas (sound yo outta it) surely Operah really loves yo. i'll be back to bloggin ASAP (when settled).
gotta find a noose then.
Happy Birthday Keith. Continue to blog. What am I to do without you? And oh, age is just a number, hehe.
thanks for the happy b'day.
yipee i'm born! how do yo expect sb so small, blog or type....?
maybe age's a number to you, yea yo gettin' ol!
i try to comment, it's a kinda punishment for me, btw i'm a trip boy !
Selamat ulang tahun ke-25, Keith!
See ya man...Happy 25th.
thanks, whatelse i can say!
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