

ok it's time to let the curtains down, no more show!
i have blogged enough, had a great experience, find many friends, read many nice blogs,... and learned my lessons: I've said enough shit.
Thanks to all who tolerated this crap, great thanks to those who never commented & bigger thanks to those warm comments. I enjoyed it a lot.
let's put all i wanna say in my last post in 2005 in a logical order.

future plans

  1. gonna be 25 this wednesday, sob!
  2. i hate this day
  3. not gonna be any birthday party
  4. it's a nice number, enough time to feel many ups & downs
  5. it's a lot fun to die on yer birthday
  6. i'm goin outta states next week, if still breathing
  7. won't bring anyone souveniors
  8. the rest's none of yer business

wish list

  1. Merry Christmas everyone.
  2. wish yo all health & happiness & surely money.
  3. hope Santa gives what yo waiting for.


  1. The planets set your social life abuzz -- you flicker and flit from person to person sharing your effervescent affection. You live for the moment, but when the party is over, speculate on its significance.
  2. comment:what?!


  1. thank you friends
  2. i love ya all
  3. im not gonna do anything foolish
  4. i'll write next year
  5. bye all
  6. hug meeeeeeeeee



Blogger HadesGigas said...

I will miss you. In fact, you may give me the strength to finally take my blog out of its misery. I appreciate that. I'll miss your Metallica references and the random pictures and that mad ball game where it bounces on the blocks and you can get power-ups AND THEN YOU CAN DOMINATE THE INTERNET. Thanks for all the memories, even though I have Alzheimer's. Good bye, Keith Richards, and happy 25th birthday.

Plus hugs

P.S.S. There is no way to suffocate one's self without hangin'

December 05, 2005  
Blogger Keith said...

thanks for the hugs & happy b'day.
i'm sure yo have alzheimer cos Keith Richards' RS guitarist, i'm another Keith\1
if yo like Metallica i got tones of their pics & posters, ican send yo some plus some cool links!
& if yo like the magic ball; i can send yo the pic of every 100 level!
yo blog ain't in misery but yo misery yerself; thanks for havin so many funny ideas (sound yo outta it) surely Operah really loves yo. i'll be back to bloggin ASAP (when settled).
gotta find a noose then.

December 06, 2005  
Blogger Angelina said...

Happy Birthday Keith. Continue to blog. What am I to do without you? And oh, age is just a number, hehe.

December 07, 2005  
Blogger Keith said...

thanks for the happy b'day.
yipee i'm born! how do yo expect sb so small, blog or type....?
maybe age's a number to you, yea yo gettin' ol!
i try to comment, it's a kinda punishment for me, btw i'm a trip boy !

December 07, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Selamat ulang tahun ke-25, Keith!

December 08, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...

See ya man...Happy 25th.

December 10, 2005  
Blogger Keith said...

thanks, whatelse i can say!

December 10, 2005  

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