Hi guys
Everything�s OK. Sky�s blue, the sun�s shinin� (read this part in day light �cause it�s 9:30pm) & life�s BEAUTful.
Chicago�s much better than Bean town, it�s cool here & I love Lake Michigan more than Atlantic Ocean.
Wish you where here, and I miss nobody, but you�re welcomed if in Chicago (Not Boston).
Terri�s very happy to see me & me too. Spendin� the last few months with guys I almost forgot what a great gift women especially mothers are. So thanks Lord & especial thanks for pressin� manual button!
I had big lunch & a very good dinner, said G�night to Terri, brushed my teeth ready to go to bed, jus waitin� for tonight tale. Have BEAUTful dreams, mama (Terri) callin� me.
Hey Dou, guess I�ll stay here for a month so I generously contribute my share of meals to you.

Hey Keith why didn’t you call when got there or answered my calls?
Just wanted to know where you put my sneakers?
Didn’t I told you look terrible, wish you a nice frisk on the way back!
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