So many good things this week.
Met a friend after 11years on a bus. None of us remembered each others names. I was sittin on a seat tired of the Kittatinny mts, N.J hikes with Kim & her friend Nina, a guy asked me:� do ya know me? lookin at him, said:� sorry no."
Then he asked if I went to Campbell secondary, surely I did, then he introduced himself.
I couldn�t believe my eyes, such a good friends we were. Havin a lot of fun, especially when we fastened other class mates shoe laces to the bench! He got out so early that I forgot to ask for his number, hope I can meet him next time I go to NY!
Aha we had a nice baseball game, but my team was terrible match. You can see the list of players below. (we were 8, so don�t look for the 9th player!)
Giggly Sheep: Regina, Brenda, Frank, Devin, George, Jamie, Steve & me (C)
Wild Dogs: Neal, Elena, Paul, Gerard, Clyde, Hugh, Dave & Doug (C)
I know it was obvious that we lose, but Frank, Regina & Jamie were great batters, we could win if only Devin could made a home;
I must confess I played worse than what I thought missed 2 balls. But I made 2 homes (I ran instead of Regina!) & Fiona was the ref.
I'm sure we can make it next time; all we need is some exercise. I tried to draw a field ( well we draw lines with chalk in the middle of our street!) guess it's like anything except a field!
PS we had 9 innings, me & Doug played twice.
PPS I know my drawing's terrible but tired my best.
Have a nice sleep!

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