
OK at last found a job and shelter
When passin route 93 don’t forget to break ‘n gimme some nice bucks. Guess it’s the best thing I can do, im goin to Tap tonight may be I can hit some kind of jackpot there!
What a bad boy I am, I can never keep some red cents in my pockets, sure there’s a really big hole (on the galaxy scale it’s sth like a medium sized meteor!) in me pants.
Im thinking of takin a look at me piggy bank may be I can find sth there! (sth like a dead roach ^_^
And about the pic thanks Neal for takin it I’ll ask him to take mine when I find the right place to settle down where I can read some books ‘n earn s’me dough!? But there’s a problem where can I have a bath!? Im thinking of Charles; its fun in winter, poor little homeless boy!?
Is that you in the pic? Sorry, I'm very blur right now - no sleep for more than 24 hours :P
I got that guy's license plate number, he's going down! Get some sleep!!!!!!!! I have ancestors in Persia!!!!! RANDOM THOUGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey Angel not me pic jus a nice colleague's! try sleepin or ya'll look like Pacino or me!?
Hades why ya took the l.plate no?
poor fella whatdaya wanna do with him, he was really generous!?
and ancestor in Persia! cool can i share!?
Slept for 9 hours or so and still cranky lol I need to sleep more hours tonite
good for ya sleep instead of me too!
What's with the bugs? Sounds horrible to =/
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