Taday I made a new record, I didn t take shower for 375000 seconds ,that is 6250 minutes or 104.16 hours to be exact itd be 4 days 8 hours 10 minutes, P.U!
Im thinkin of some bugs building some artistic structures in my hair, its a shame to wash em away, guess theyd think they are in N.O. drownin in flood as I pour some fuckin water on my greasy wanna be hair, I love greasy hair cause it took at least 5 days to get sorta greasy, I hate dry hair all hangin upward like spikes.
I dont actually want to go to B.R. but I wanna try my new shampoos I have pile of em as ya can see in the pic!
The above lines were written at 074512 am now its 105549 am & Im partly cleeaaannnnnnnnnnnnn! Guess I need 2 more hours to get dirt free, gotta go!
PS I wrote this post in the morning but forgot to send it s 08.50.18 PM, well Im outta B.room & goin out have a nice time!
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