A day in windy city
Today I�m sure that I�m Trueman (Trueman Show) the windy city�s 7 degrees hotter than bean town & worse than that it�s rainin� what a nice weather!
Terri�s got a Peugeot 206 though I still want my own Viper, it�s a cool auto, the only problem�s that you can�t feel how speedy ya�re movin� so may be fined!
In my whole life I did one thing on time & that�s the permit, thanks Keith fuckin� right this time.
We went shoppin� & I got 5 boxes of M&M. I�ve ate a lot of junks & a lot more carefully baked meals here that I�m quite sure gotta have a diet when back. On the way back home sth foolish flashed in my mind & it happened so don�t focus on bad things too much.
Terri lives on the 21st floor & I was wonderin� if the elevator�s outta order, now I know the answer.
You have 2 choices wait till it fixed or use stairs, I chose the latter �cause there was our lunch on the stove!
Another discovery�s though you walk up & down your 4 storey building doesn�t mean you can do 21*16 (at least) stairs!
Have you ever tasted unripe grapes? Well I haven�t, it�s sorta sour; Terri got a little vine, she took 4 bunches & extract the juice, really good, & the pic�s actually what I was talkin� about, I shook it hard to give a better look (what I could be later!).
I�m still readin� that Hobbit book, not to bad for sparin� time!
And the last word to those guys who�re wonderin� what a hell I�m doin� in here. Surely didn�t hit the jackpot, a friend of my lovely buddy, Dog no sorry Doug, wanted to pay a visit& luckily got a problem so gave me his tickets in half price, gonna pay him later!
I recommend you to ask your Lord to push your manual button too, it�s really great!
Hope it rain in Bean Town so I won�t feel down in the dumps!
Hey Keith why didn’t you call when got there or answered my calls?
Just wanted to know where you put my sneakers?
Didn’t I told you look terrible, wish you a nice frisk on the way back!
Hey back, you’re too lazy, didn’t call ‘cause ya didn’t wake me, your things are in the closet by the door under
Mine & don’t write here, try to attach a big hex, got it!?
I've got grapes and pepaya for my breakfast this morning and also 'sawo' I dunno what is called in english. It also a kind of fruit.
It was also raining here yesterday
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