private blog

well i had this private blog; really really private, some where to dump the terrible disgustin part of my life & sometimes comparin improvements in my fuckin life. when i got the message below;
omg gotta migrate my blog to somewhere else! ok they offer a 30 days free bloggin! good chance for tryin a new place i thought! but when i entered my user/pass to migrate my previous posts!
sob! wrong user or pass ! ok if they don wanna put my previous posts then i don want it ! free or not!
so i'm back to my own diary; it's pretty better than anythin online! it's jus for me! it's a great software; so if there wasnt much posts from me; surely im writin in my own private place! Lol!
ok handed the paper! yippee! i really have not much idea about what i wrote but i know sth's creepin in my mind! so next paper: study of CREEP and it's behavior in Keith alloys microstructures at any temperture!
ok gotta study for tommorrow exam! so jus enjoy this nice mail i got; yo can join that blogharbor but i don recommend it!
Dear MyBlogSite Member,We'd like to thank you for using the MyBlogSite service and hope that you have found it a fun and useful tool. After a careful evaluation of our product portfolio, we have decided to no longer provide a blog service. We value you as a loyal customer, and want to do everything we can to ensure that you will still be able to continue blogging and keep all your current postings and photos.So we'd like to introduce you to a compatible blog service that you can migrate your account to, BlogHarbor! You'll get a no-risk, 30-Days FREE trial to test the BlogHarbor service. BlogHarbor is a full-service weblog hosting provider based on the same blog platform as MyBlogSite, allowing for an effortless and full migration of your current blogsite. BlogHarbor offers ad-free premium blog hosting starting from $8.95/month, and provides a variety of enhanced services, additional disk space and capacity, total control over the look and feel of your blog, and top-notch customer service and support. BlogHarbor even offers you the ability to use a domain name as your blog address!Try the BlogHarbor service free for up to 30 days with no obligation! Learn more about migrating your blog to BlogHarbor: note that if you elect not to transfer your blog to BlogHarbor, on November 30, 2005 you will no longer be able to access, use, update, or visit your MyBlogSite account.
Sincerely, (some fuckin idiots!)
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