I looked at the calendar;7thJune ; why do I like 7 ?
I took a look at web & I got to these essays:
Seven Sisters; Seven Against Thebes; Seven Hills Of Rome; Seven Years War; Seven Wonders of the World; Seven Wise Masters; Seven Oaks Massacre; Seven Sleepers of Ephesus�
There was a lot more but not the reason, put my hand under my chin & went to my planet, lemme see yea
This is the reason I was born on 7th December, quite a good reason, ain't it?
But there's still a big problem we have 365 days per year & jus one day to celebrate my birthday; guess it's unfair. Once a year, may be people forget that day(I forgot my last birthday myself waking up a year olderthe next day!) , then I gotta wait for another year & I'd be a year older, may be I die, so no one would celebrate it , just mournin my death, I don't like it.
So I got a decision, gonna celebrate my birthday every month, every day, every hour, every minute, every second, every time I feel fresh, every time I breath, every time I look at the clock and it's late at night, still awake with lots of undone things�
So happy birthday to me happy birthday, happy birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!?
Guess it was my 24 year no 8946day no 214704hour no 12882260 minute 772935600 second
Wow I lived around 772 million seconds, can you believe it?
PS I'm sorry for that wonderful seconds I spent sleeping, eating worse than that fuckin around, hey wait a second please� don't go lemme catch up !
PPS better count your seconds now they never come back (ouch I'm talking like philosophers!)

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