Have you ever noticed how much your other talents are activated when you have to focus on important things like studin for your final exams?!
Any way there are several items flashin up & down my brain & don't let me study my metal forming.
First for those nice guys (guy in general) who are generous to read this blog, asking why I write my personal life so frankly; here are the reasons:
1. thanks for reading, it's a personal blog, so I think I have the right to use it as my journal
2. I'm tired of this phrase "in life was a kind of guy who never let you look inside & smile when I was crying" so I decided to live my life everyday, what's the use of torturing myself by hiding everything inside
3. I don't care if a lot of people read these sh*ts or jus' one (though I'd be really glad with more than one esp. the ones who comments) this way of writing has several advantages; for instance: you feel free from the daily pressure; you give yourself a chance to review your life�. So I suggest to my friends to do the same thing & share it with others if they like (I'd be glad to read others!)
PS there are times things got stuck together turning everything to sh** so sorry for those times!

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