A day with plasterman & Psycho

I did sth crazy, sth like soaps those cheap romantic soaps that make ya throw out your guts. It’s fun doin this stuff sometimes!
I called Meg & asked her come take me, I ran away from this hell a romantic runaway, a boy in plaster with his ex running away from hospital.
I know they’ll look for me, let’em pay the bill! (kidding, we paid the bill before leaving, still have some bucks in my jackpot!)
Hmmm fresh air, something wonderful, Meg bought me 3 splendid cacti, can ya believe it? She almost killed the others, when I forgot to take’em the other day.
I gave myself a big smile today cos don’t have to meet those psycho friends of Hugh, gonna kill’em if met ‘em again.
This is what psychiatrists (psycho) do: Close yer eyes & imagine you’re in a garden what can ya see?
Me: Cacti many of ‘em really colorful, many different green.
Psycho: look you are in a garden of roses, what do you see now?
Me: I don’t like roses they’re too romantic.
Psycho: OK let’s try another thing; you’re in North Pole…
Me: hey what a hell I’m doin there, it’s too cold there I have asthma cold weather’s bad for me!
Psycho: just imagine, right (I nod my head), you go to a cave where you see yer feelings yer fears, what it looks like?
Me: nothing, it’s dark!
Psycho: look every where’s covered with snow (it reflects light) besides day light can come to your cave, right?
Me: ok my cave’s full of black snow; we have black snow, don’t we? And according to Kirchhoff‘s law black bodies absorb light…(guess it wasn’t Kirchhoff cos his law’s about voltage…, but sure the psycho didn’t know!), so I can’t see anything!
Psycho: (a bit angry) we don’t have black snow…
Me: (interrupting other people’s a rude act, but its not true with the psycho, do it as much as ya like!) OK can ya turn on the lights so I can see the cave!
Psycho (with a relaxing tone {not for me, I was calm, for himself cos getting a bit hot under collar!}): ok lights on now what do you see?
Me: let me see, where’re ya hidin darling come come lem’me see ya, ouuuuuugh ( this was supposed to be a scream so read it as a scream) ya there little mischievous devil, lookin cute, now smile ( my eyes still close, and talking to myself really drivin’ him crazy I could feel the radiation)….
Now you can talk as much as you like talking irrelevant, nonsense, BS …, I did it for 45minutes (this time depends on the guy you’re talking to, if it’s a female psycho you have to talk longer, they’re really patient).
OK now your psychiatrist’s well-cooked ( be careful if you talk too much it may get over-cooked) he/she’s red now & ya can see the smoke around him/her, if it’s burned ( got black) throw it away & try a new one.
Now you can have it for any meal you wish, salad, ketchup& olive oil do good, thanks for watching our next program’s recipe for bbqing surgeons in theater. Have a nice time. (End of mother Keith [like mother goose] show)
OK guys wanna know the rest, at last when the psycho was as hot as boiling water, he asked to leave his room & I reminded him couldn’t leave cos dear Mr orthopedist put me in plaster.
Hey guys seems laughing , welcome back Keith Thomason. Love ya all, love me back, I love comments just don’t come read & leave.
What a long post. It’s a lot fun posting without typing it, Meg thank yourself!
Note for the pic: on the left me (donkey), right Meg (he’s really funny, but a real jackass)
ps me n meg gonna hav a romantic night come join us guess she cant sleep cause of my moans ya wont feel outta this world when ya re a plasterman
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