Thanks to the 13th viewer, got a good luck!
Placed this counter today, seemed not a bad idea!
Before goin’ to bed gotta say some words about the spell of Harry Potter, it’s a bit strange when I heard kids celebratin’ the release of 6th book in Boston Children’s Museum in their cloaks!
Gotta confess though I enjoyed the first 3 books (still a kid at that time!) now think J.K Rowling just write BS, she’s no talents, but a good mix of so many stories; some suggestions to the author for the books:
“Harry Potter and the Layover in Phoenix"
"Harry Potter and the Gimlet of Vodka"
"Harry Potter and the Family Stone"
“Harry Potter and the Goblet of Shits”
"Harry Potter and the Janitor of Azkaban"
"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Hotdog"
“Harry Potter and the Uranium Stone”
"Harry Potter and the Sharon Stone"
“Harry Potter and the Half-Naked Trol”
"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce”
“Harry Potter and the Date in Phoenix”
“ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Zenda”
“Harry Potter and the… (sorry any more suggestions!)
PS anyone gone to the Tom Jones’ show in Bean Town, what was it like?
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