Keith 2

The Brit group known as “the world's greatest rock 'n' roll band” ( don't tell U2) has arrived in Boston to put the finishing touches on a world tour that launches Sunday and Tuesday at Fenway Park.
Taday I went to Fenway Park (gotta say some yeepee & hooray for Red Sox wins over Angels+ Chelsea won Arsenal 1-0 im sorry for sayin Chelsea sucks!)
I didn’t want to see Red sox but I went there to see another Keith, I gotta confess its one of the rarest times that I like my name ,Keith, OK lets talk about Keith Richards, im not a guitarist but if I were, K R is one of those that really rolls, at 60s he’s still one of the coolest guitarist I’ve ever seen & im really proud of myself wastin 500$ for a night, the Rolling stone worth the money, there’s another opening in San Francesco in November Rolling Stone & my all time band Metallica, I dream of goin to SF but surely cant cause of my shitty university subjects Arghhhhh…. Anyway gonna buy the Bigger Bang Album when released. Gonna add Keith Richards to famous guys called Keith!
This is part of a interview with Keith, the New Englander I enjoyed seeing,-didya know Boston was the start of their tour?! –
Herald: For Bostonians, the fact that the Rolling Stones are playing Fenway Park is special. Is it special for you, too?
Richards: You're always aware when you're playing on hallowed ground, heh, heh. You're made aware. I know Boston. I'm not a stranger. I know (Fenway's) significance. It's like playing Wembley or Twickenham, the rugby hallowed ground in London. So, respect. We hope to leave it as we found it.
Herald: With ``A Bigger Bang,'' were you looking to create something with the flavor of a classic Stones record?
Richards: No, we don't work like that. Nobody says, `What kind of album are we trying to make?' We just sit down and check out riffs and songs and ideas that we've got. In a strange kind of way, albums can take on their own personality. This one said to us, `Don't put on the violins. Forget the marzipan and candles and icing and just leave me alone.' Heh, heh. And for once we obeyed.
Herald: What drives you guys to keep doing this?
Richards: I've heard that question many times and my answer is always, `Why not?' If I'm going to play Fenway Park and it's full of people and they want to hear what I do and I want to play for them, that's the reason. It's as simple as that.
Have a nice day, im still listenin to DP
Gag of the day: once talking about Red Sox on the phone I pronounce it Rod Sex…. Hehehe (laugh please!)
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