
Its 22258PM hey its none of my business that my clock’s like that, why don’t we care about seconds, 60sec per min, that’s too much time.
J’st wanna use my time so I had ice-cream for lunch really coooooool, went to a nearby coffee shop & bought two big chocolate ice-creams, this coffee-shop reminded me of some ol’ days when we were still together (why I feel so lonely? Cause im a real jackass!)
Hey not in the mood of writtin, just read this
Ya tell rain “I love you” then ya put up your umbrella; ya tell flower “I love you” then ya pick it; ya tell pigeon “I love you” then ya put it in a cage,
So why do you expect me not to fear when ya tell me “I love you”?
PS hey that’s Mazy’s pic, she left me so gotta find a new friend, this stomachache’s killin me!
Today’s feelin:” everything sucks, why nobody call me? I need a livin creature”
Horoscope: SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Socially, you're a big hit. Though you're an expert at keeping things light, you know instantly what isn't safe to laugh at. This sense of appropriateness makes you the best pick to lead the pack.
I dunno who writes this shit but socially im a big asshole who’s good to laugh at and can lead the packet.
Im outta ideal, can anyone suggest sth, better stop bloggin for a while, its pure shit!?
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