Of Bloggin’n google

I read somewhere that 27% of internet usage’s dedicated to blogging & reading blogs (a 58% increase comparing with last year)
There are 8 million bloggers in US and it’s estimated that companies near 750 million$ loss per week cos of this. It’s funny to know several people lost their job cos of this antisocial act. Not to mention that many places use bloggin’ filters (includin’ my university).
Well it was quite a good record!
Seems better cut off bloggin’ to reduce pay bills!
Aha one more thing: surely everyone knows what google is & as one of the best search engines it’s havin’ an important role in expansion of net use, followin’ that net’s influencin’ our everyday life, google might look like this in 2084!
Enjoy the technology
Things to ponder:” researches showed that employees who spent most of their time checking mails, messages & chatting would have IQ decrease (this amounts to times bigger than usin’ MJ)
So better put other things in yer daily in order not to turn to robots! Hehehehe!
My IQ had easily gone down 15% this year alone.
hhhmm sounds good then; i know ya can get to higher results, if try checkin mails while usin' cellphone!
hey thanks for comin'
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