1st of april
i know im really important,do you know why? cos i have a day named after me. i have a day of my own, im so important & famous that some countries celebrate it.
im so happy of being me. congratulations, tomorrow's my day!
yeah check yer calenders. tomorrow's 1st of April. that's my day. but i dunno why they call it april fool's day
PS i posted one day earlier to prove it's my day
PPS here's the history of such an important day:
April fool's day also called All Fools' Day in most countries the first day of April. It received its name from the custom of playing practical jokes on this day—for example, telling friends that their shoelaces are untied or sending them on so-called fools' errands. Although the day has been observed for centuries, there are differentexplanations for its origin. It resembles festivals such as the Hilaria of ancient Rome, held on March 25, and the Holi celebration in India, which ends on March 31. The modern custom may have originated in France when theGregorian calendar, which moved New Year's Day from March 25 to January 1, was adopted in1582. Those who continued to celebrate the endof New Year Week on April 1 were referred to as fools. The timing of the day also may be related to the vernal equinox (March 21), a timewhen people are said to be fooled by sudden changes in the weather.
There are variations between countries in the celebration of April Fools' Day, but all have in common an excuse to make someone play the fool. In France, for example, the fooled person is called poisson d'avril (“April fish”), perhaps in reference to a young fish and hence to one that is easily caught; it is common for French children to pin a paper fish to the backs of unsuspecting friends. In Scotland the day is Gowkie Day, for the gowk, or cuckoo, a symbol of the fool and the cuckold, which suggests that it may have been associated at one time with sexual license; on the following day signs reading “kick me” are pinned to friends' backs. In many countries newspapers and the other media participate—for example, with false headlines or news stories.
PPS2 it's time to celebrate it, let's have some soup!
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Categories : thoughts, feelings
“zag zag mind” disease
recently i discovered something really important. i dunno why they didnt say it in the news, but i dont really care.
im sick, it's a new disease that's very deadly. the name is "zag zag mind".
lemme tell you the symptoms: first you feel you're a bit dizzy, sometimes little headaches, then sniff & cough. after that you feel better but it's a sign that you're getting worst. you wanna stay in bed & dont go to work. you ask others to do your homework but they dont. you want new pair of sneakers; you hate rain & snow more than anythingelse in the world. you wanna rest & watch tv. you think tmnt isthe best tv production & 4kids is the best channel in the world. you think soccer is the best sport & you feel happy when you hear arsenal won juventus 2-0 though you dont support any of 'em. you wanna break tv when there's a nba game.
you think everything looks lovely after several days; everyone loves you. but the truth is the life sucks.
you dream of the day you have finished yer papers, your nightmare's when a prof ask you for more work & your last wish is to get a degree in materials.
in the end you feel there's something heavy in yer brain; this heavy thing turns to a heavy liquid like mercury or molten steel & then it changes to gas & vaporize. what yo ugot then?! empty brain. it's a good vacuum media for scientific experimients. this far you have a zag zag brain, but i dunno the rest cos i havent experienced it yet; gonna inform you asap!
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Categories : no salvation, thoughts
why there’s nothing interesting here?!
lost in the middle of responsibilities & books; i had no time for a fucking cold. but it jus came; without knocking. it's over 10 days now & i still cough in the mornings. jus used to it.
but the main reason there was no update was i had nothing worthy to write. none of my crap were ever worthy to read but this time i didnt have anything interesting.
the life's passing so fast, that i dont have any time to take a look at mirror to see i getting ol!
every morning i say today's my day but it's not. im not in the mood of making that day mine so i let it pass. so foolish
thought i could get up early today but it was half past 6 when i opened my eyelid to view another day.
im thinking of making this day mine; though it's a bit late. i took a look at piles of books waiting for me & tones of homework; geez , im not in the mood of reading or doing 'em.
today's my bro's birthday & i didnt bother myself to get him something. so colse we are!
life's so funny we spend many times with strangers we dunno much & we think it's a waste of time to spend a few minutes with those we know a life time.
i wish i could give a shock to my rusty brain & made everything look better. i dont say i dont like my surrounding; it's so great but sometimes it bore me.
^%$^&#$&# i dunno why i feel so sleepy; seems drinking coffee wasthe worst thing to do; jus give me headaches. better get some rest & stop pressing buttons in random order to make 'em look wise!
im trying to find my old version; i dont like the new me though others think i look wiser & quieter. gotta dig through my rusty brain & get that inner shit out. i wanna rock the world again with my foolish ideas. why should i look wise?!
PS this cake's a symbolic sign for sb's birthday who was unavailable, say cheese, im taking yer photo!
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Categories : duty, no salvation
Diner Dash
i was so busy this week , really busy, os i spent a few hours playing this silly game "diner dash"
i got to the final level but not finished it yet!
gonna finish this soon; but serving people in heaven's really ridiculous!
i dont wanna do this job, even if i die of hunger, i jus like to go to restaurants & order & complain….
i hate this kinda jobs, i like working with metals!
gotta get back to whatever i was doing aka playing
will be back soon!
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Categories : duty, thoughts
why nothing here?!
hey it's a pity there's nothing here, i was sickly busy or busily sick, no time for updates, & nothing really interesting. the sky's blue as usual, the ground's white, there's someone complaining, the dog's barking…..
i'll be back soon with more news!
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Categories : thoughts, feelings
im sick again, my fish deid, there’s snow, i have a new toy….
life’s so beautiful when you cant breathe! yes it is! dont deny it.
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Categories : thoughts, feelings
when the weather’s so generous that gives yo snow, what can i say?!
this is what i got here!
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Categories : thoughts
land of ice & snow
aint it beautiful? yeah it is, but it’s kinda terrifying, im not used to so much snow; it’s cold here, fuckin’ cold. but great scenery
the flight was quite ok but soooooooooo long. im gonna call this place my new home.
i discovered one thing,i m a real net addict. the first thing i did was to find a net connection for myself. i havent upacked yet, may be do it tomorrow
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Categories : thoughts, feelings
just playing planetsia
somebody help me with this level!
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Categories : duty, thoughts
you’re cursed
you were cursed the minute you were born,
you were cursed the minute you told yer first lie
you were cursed the minute you hid yer toys from a friend
you were cursed the minute you envied at school stuff that you didnt have
you were cursed the minute you thought you’re the best
you were cursed the minute you cheated on yer friends
you were cursed the minute you sold your childhood to have earthly things
you were cursed the minute you betrayed yerself by forgetting yer creator
you were cursed the minute you smiled to a stranger to earn more money
you were cursed the minute you forgot yer loved ones & destroyed ‘em under boots of ignorance
you were cursed the minute…..
lemme tell you one thing, you’re cursed cos you feel miserable though yo have million things to cheer for, so
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Categories : thoughts, feelings
i’ve never been a hero.
i cant be a hero.
i dont wanna be a hero.
but i dunno why this life gives me role of a super hero every now & then.
whata foolish knuckle-head!
I’M sick, I’M sick AGAIN!!!!
i wanted to cheer Chelsea draw ( Tottenham vs. Chelsea); but they score another goal in 92th minute. shhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttt; what a day!
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Categories : duty, thoughts
lost in hell
i have a terrible feeling, a terrifying one, heaven, why im so weak, with a little blow i lost hold on my rope & fell. fell down, down down to the darkness i hate so much, to the place i dont wanna see again. Lord please help me, take my hand, hold it tight, i fell again & it’s jus too dark, really’s so cold. PLEASE HELP ME.
i dunno if i wanna see day light again, am i waitin for the day. i pray this night never ends, let it be the end.
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Categories : no salvation
im so sad, one of my fish ’s dead.
guess it got fish flu! im gonna cry for 3 days.
aha why i cant stop the bad habit of buzzing?!it’s really bad, got it?!?!
you’re bothering everyone! hope i could stop my fingers from pressing ctrl+G !
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Categories : byebye, thoughts
i know im really important,do you know why? cos i have a day named after me. i have a day of my own, im so important & famous that some countries celebrate it.
im so happy of being me. congratulations, tomorrow's my day!
yeah check yer calenders. tomorrow's 1st of April. that's my day. but i dunno why they call it april fool's day
PS i posted one day earlier to prove it's my day
PPS here's the history of such an important day:
April fool's day also called All Fools' Day in most countries the first day of April. It received its name from the custom of playing practical jokes on this day—for example, telling friends that their shoelaces are untied or sending them on so-called fools' errands. Although the day has been observed for centuries, there are differentexplanations for its origin. It resembles festivals such as the Hilaria of ancient Rome, held on March 25, and the Holi celebration in India, which ends on March 31. The modern custom may have originated in France when theGregorian calendar, which moved New Year's Day from March 25 to January 1, was adopted in1582. Those who continued to celebrate the endof New Year Week on April 1 were referred to as fools. The timing of the day also may be related to the vernal equinox (March 21), a timewhen people are said to be fooled by sudden changes in the weather.
There are variations between countries in the celebration of April Fools' Day, but all have in common an excuse to make someone play the fool. In France, for example, the fooled person is called poisson d'avril (“April fish”), perhaps in reference to a young fish and hence to one that is easily caught; it is common for French children to pin a paper fish to the backs of unsuspecting friends. In Scotland the day is Gowkie Day, for the gowk, or cuckoo, a symbol of the fool and the cuckold, which suggests that it may have been associated at one time with sexual license; on the following day signs reading “kick me” are pinned to friends' backs. In many countries newspapers and the other media participate—for example, with false headlines or news stories.
PPS2 it's time to celebrate it, let's have some soup!
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Categories : thoughts, feelings
“zag zag mind” disease
recently i discovered something really important. i dunno why they didnt say it in the news, but i dont really care.
im sick, it's a new disease that's very deadly. the name is "zag zag mind".
lemme tell you the symptoms: first you feel you're a bit dizzy, sometimes little headaches, then sniff & cough. after that you feel better but it's a sign that you're getting worst. you wanna stay in bed & dont go to work. you ask others to do your homework but they dont. you want new pair of sneakers; you hate rain & snow more than anythingelse in the world. you wanna rest & watch tv. you think tmnt isthe best tv production & 4kids is the best channel in the world. you think soccer is the best sport & you feel happy when you hear arsenal won juventus 2-0 though you dont support any of 'em. you wanna break tv when there's a nba game.
you think everything looks lovely after several days; everyone loves you. but the truth is the life sucks.
you dream of the day you have finished yer papers, your nightmare's when a prof ask you for more work & your last wish is to get a degree in materials.
in the end you feel there's something heavy in yer brain; this heavy thing turns to a heavy liquid like mercury or molten steel & then it changes to gas & vaporize. what yo ugot then?! empty brain. it's a good vacuum media for scientific experimients. this far you have a zag zag brain, but i dunno the rest cos i havent experienced it yet; gonna inform you asap!
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Categories : no salvation, thoughts
why there’s nothing interesting here?!
lost in the middle of responsibilities & books; i had no time for a fucking cold. but it jus came; without knocking. it's over 10 days now & i still cough in the mornings. jus used to it.
but the main reason there was no update was i had nothing worthy to write. none of my crap were ever worthy to read but this time i didnt have anything interesting.
the life's passing so fast, that i dont have any time to take a look at mirror to see i getting ol!
every morning i say today's my day but it's not. im not in the mood of making that day mine so i let it pass. so foolish
thought i could get up early today but it was half past 6 when i opened my eyelid to view another day.
im thinking of making this day mine; though it's a bit late. i took a look at piles of books waiting for me & tones of homework; geez , im not in the mood of reading or doing 'em.
today's my bro's birthday & i didnt bother myself to get him something. so colse we are!
life's so funny we spend many times with strangers we dunno much & we think it's a waste of time to spend a few minutes with those we know a life time.
i wish i could give a shock to my rusty brain & made everything look better. i dont say i dont like my surrounding; it's so great but sometimes it bore me.
^%$^&#$&# i dunno why i feel so sleepy; seems drinking coffee wasthe worst thing to do; jus give me headaches. better get some rest & stop pressing buttons in random order to make 'em look wise!
im trying to find my old version; i dont like the new me though others think i look wiser & quieter. gotta dig through my rusty brain & get that inner shit out. i wanna rock the world again with my foolish ideas. why should i look wise?!
PS this cake's a symbolic sign for sb's birthday who was unavailable, say cheese, im taking yer photo!
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Categories : duty, no salvation
Diner Dash
i was so busy this week , really busy, os i spent a few hours playing this silly game "diner dash"
i got to the final level but not finished it yet!
gonna finish this soon; but serving people in heaven's really ridiculous!
i dont wanna do this job, even if i die of hunger, i jus like to go to restaurants & order & complain….
i hate this kinda jobs, i like working with metals!
gotta get back to whatever i was doing aka playing
will be back soon!
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Categories : duty, thoughts
why nothing here?!
hey it's a pity there's nothing here, i was sickly busy or busily sick, no time for updates, & nothing really interesting. the sky's blue as usual, the ground's white, there's someone complaining, the dog's barking…..
i'll be back soon with more news!
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Categories : thoughts, feelings
im sick again, my fish deid, there’s snow, i have a new toy….
life’s so beautiful when you cant breathe! yes it is! dont deny it.
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Categories : thoughts, feelings
when the weather’s so generous that gives yo snow, what can i say?!
this is what i got here!
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Categories : thoughts
land of ice & snow
aint it beautiful? yeah it is, but it’s kinda terrifying, im not used to so much snow; it’s cold here, fuckin’ cold. but great scenery
the flight was quite ok but soooooooooo long. im gonna call this place my new home.
i discovered one thing,i m a real net addict. the first thing i did was to find a net connection for myself. i havent upacked yet, may be do it tomorrow
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Categories : thoughts, feelings
just playing planetsia
somebody help me with this level!
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Categories : duty, thoughts
you’re cursed
you were cursed the minute you were born,
you were cursed the minute you told yer first lie
you were cursed the minute you hid yer toys from a friend
you were cursed the minute you envied at school stuff that you didnt have
you were cursed the minute you thought you’re the best
you were cursed the minute you cheated on yer friends
you were cursed the minute you sold your childhood to have earthly things
you were cursed the minute you betrayed yerself by forgetting yer creator
you were cursed the minute you smiled to a stranger to earn more money
you were cursed the minute you forgot yer loved ones & destroyed ‘em under boots of ignorance
you were cursed the minute…..
lemme tell you one thing, you’re cursed cos you feel miserable though yo have million things to cheer for, so
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Categories : thoughts, feelings
i’ve never been a hero.
i cant be a hero.
i dont wanna be a hero.
but i dunno why this life gives me role of a super hero every now & then.
whata foolish knuckle-head!
I’M sick, I’M sick AGAIN!!!!
i wanted to cheer Chelsea draw ( Tottenham vs. Chelsea); but they score another goal in 92th minute. shhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttt; what a day!
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Categories : duty, thoughts
lost in hell
i have a terrible feeling, a terrifying one, heaven, why im so weak, with a little blow i lost hold on my rope & fell. fell down, down down to the darkness i hate so much, to the place i dont wanna see again. Lord please help me, take my hand, hold it tight, i fell again & it’s jus too dark, really’s so cold. PLEASE HELP ME.
i dunno if i wanna see day light again, am i waitin for the day. i pray this night never ends, let it be the end.
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Categories : no salvation
im so sad, one of my fish ’s dead.
guess it got fish flu! im gonna cry for 3 days.
aha why i cant stop the bad habit of buzzing?!it’s really bad, got it?!?!
you’re bothering everyone! hope i could stop my fingers from pressing ctrl+G !
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Categories : byebye, thoughts
Long post indeed, but intriguing nonetheless. LOL
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