
yes i'm movin.
no i'm not talkin' about bloggin but myself; i'm leavin' this nice place i felt like home, gotta say g'bye! sob.
ok let's see what's waitin for me, armor on, missiles full, set ..... (can i quit!)
about the pic: it's a baby Panda weighin' only 160 gr (0.360 lb) it looks horrible, i'm tryin how i looked when i was his age!
hey Have yo noticed this place totally different, i dunno what happened to my frankness, expressin' myself.... guess i'm afraid of truth, i hate it, i try to be what i used to be.
today song :" cure-actullay been playin' none stop for over 30 hours- strange but i don wanna change it-"

Bandung (formerly spelled: Bandoeng) is the provincial capital of West Java, Indonesia. Located on a highland plateau 768 meters above sea level, at 6°55′ S 107°36′ E, the city has a population of around 2.1 million. Kabupaten Bandung is the suburban area surrounding the city of Bandung. It became famous as the venue for the 1955 first conference of Non-aligned nations.
It looks cool.I like it.
Result: I love this fuckin' place i live, i wanna stay in Bean town forever.
Banda Aceh
Aceh is known for its political independence and fierce resistance to control by outsiders, including the former Dutch colonists and the current Indonesian government. For the last 26 years, it has been torn by a seperatist conflict waged by the Free Aceh Movement (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka - GAM) against the Jakarta government rooted in issues over control of resources, and over cultural and religious issues. Aceh has substantial natural resources, including oil & gas - some estimates put Aceh gas reserves as being the largest in the world. Relative to most of Indonesia, it is a religiously conservative area.
Aceh was the closest point of land to the epicenter of the massive 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, which triggered a tsunami that devastated much of the western coast of the region, including the capital of Banda Aceh. Over 150,000 persons were listed as dead or missing , with a further 500,000 plus being made homeless. One positive aspect of this tragedy has been yet another tentative peace agreement between the government of Indonesia and GAM, with the signing of a MoU on 15th August, 2005. At the time of signing, the outlook for a successful outcome was seen as being cautiously optimistic.
The population of Aceh is estimated at 4.01 million (2000 census), almost two percent of the Indonesian population.
Banda Aceh is the provincial capital and largest city of Aceh, Indonesia, located on the island of Sumatra at 5°31′ N 95°25′ E, with an elevation of 21 m. The population was approximately 225,000 in mid-2004.
The first part of its name comes from the Persian bandar (بندر) and means "port" or "haven".
hhhhmm any idea about this place? jus like me, blank.....
when yo mix cyber world & real world then the combination's sth really funny: the world's too small, smaller than yo can even imagine!
almost 11 month ago, jus the time when we were thinkin about christmas, all happy wishes .... somewhere on the other side of the world there was a natural disaster called tsunomi.
i did hear the news, did i care!? nope why should i care, none of my business, it was christmas & i was busy enjoyin myself, why should waste my time on it; jus impressed by the videos, a nice beach turned to a movin' cemetery!
then came some geology discussion &.... tryin to use my knowledge about earth plates (which crammed while ago) and finished. no more thinkin....
Now : what a hell on earth doin? i dunno; i'm lookin for that city disappeared infronna ppl like Atlantis. why? well I have somebody there who really cares about.
yea strange world, so becareful while watchin' news!maybe yo end up there!
advice: for the sake of heavens turn that fuckin' TV off, stop watchin' news, it's a lot safer!
guess i'm gonna pack soon movin to that strange city! cant believe? well i'll send the pics when i get there (dont think serious, it's like me goin surfin!)
no more chats
there wont be any chat for a while; seems my genious pc wanna punish me, dunno what a hell's wrong with YM & don wanna know; i don really care; let's jus keep with the real world, jus updatin blogs & usin mails!
ok bye chattin'
i don remember the story completely cos i wasnt much listenin to her focusin my attention on my dinner not to burn it! so i make up some part, but the moral's sth like.
There was a city with people who thought they were really miserable and sad; so one day a wise man asked them to gather in the city main square and then told them to put all their sorrow, misery & problems there. everyone did as they were told ; then the man asked them to take another person's sorrow , misery & problems. nobody did it, instead they took their own problems... again sayin their problems are minor ones.
Moral1: hhhmmm ok, i'm the happiest man on this earth, do i have problems? nope, they're not that serious to even call 'em problems.
Moral2: i was watchin' dry country & it started with this sentence:" All men are heroes." S.Freud
Moral3: i wanna shout ,shout and shout but as far as here's a public place & i dont have any problem;i dont shout here. ok let's go back to my own diary.
Moral4: it's fun stayin home on yer own on thanksgivin' gaze at walls, stare at yer books & instead of having turkey or even having lunch, jus lie down on yer bed and....

i don wanna blog; jus puttin my diary here for those lovely pals who still care about this fuckin creature. (sorry if yo don like it & esp my twin!d please shoot me!)
- Noah's life was transformed by 40 days of rain.
- Moses was transformed by 40 days on mount Sinai.
- The spies were transformed by 40 days in the Promised Land.
- David was transformed by Goliath's 40-day challenge.
- Elijah was transformed when God gave him 40 days of strength from a single meal.
- The entire city of Nineveh was transformed when God gave the people 40 days to change.
- Jesus was empowered by 40 days in wilderness.
- The disciples were transformed by 40 days whith Jesus after his resurrection.
So the next 40 days will transform your life to a real shit!
please read the R.Warren's thing!
So on the first day:" What on Earth am I here for?"
well I dunno & it's not my business to find it out; I know what am I doin on this fuckin Earth; so if yo wanna know what a hell yo doin', go find it yerself!
OK better go back to Hell. Jus 15 days remainin' till the ....
So i'm packin'; thinkin of some guys to call g'bye.And yea, prayin' prayin' and prayin'.
Wish myself a good one; an easy painless one.
think as yo like cos i don fuckin' care.
Hey Lord, can yo hear me ; it's yer ultimatum!
jus 2 fuckin' weeks!
hope I forget breathin' tomorrow!
Prince and the Pauper The 21st century version!
OK I’m beta ,you know, sth in the middle, that’s I’m which(witch) will!
I didn’t want to write cos not in mood nor cared! Does anyone care if any crap written here! Surely no more than 3-4 guys!An ol’ pal of mine once said blogs ain’t for finding new friends but a place to inform ol’ ones. If wanna get new friends yo gotta publicize yer crap by commentin on others! Ok no more comments; means I gave up the idea of finding new friends cos I don fuckin’ care if anyone read this or not!I was reading some paper when got to this article:
More than 180 foster kids find homes
More than 180 foster children found homes yesterday when loving families across the commonwealth welcomed the children into their lives as part of the Bay State’s third annual Adoption Day.
Ok please somebody adopt me too! Preferably somewhere not in US.
I wish I were born in a third world country, it’s much fun there, I know!
At least yo can complain about anything & everyone’d admit ya right!
This so many justice’s killin’ me!
I signed in a Christian group & they send many mails, all the same, Lord’s watchin’ yo, Lord cares about yo, trust in him & yo blessed…. (ok enough, why don’t bless me then :D!)
I wanna become Moslem; the rules fuckin’ easy. Jus a 5 time prayer per day (ok I can cope) some fastin for a month! (not difficult; I don eat much durin’ day!) & everything yo enjoy is forbidden (really easy, yo see!) so if you do the forbidden things, yo surely go to hell. So I wanna guarantee my life after this world. Perfect!
I love this civilized country I live; it’s the best place on earth!
Another thing I learned about islam recently is: if yo a Saudi Moslem prince & yo mowed down a poor dad without havin license & drunk! It’s ok, at least it’s ok here; jus a short time in jail (yo can choose it!) and then yo fast for feelin’ guilty; yea good idea, yo blessed, God loves yo more than anyone else in the world.
The funny thing’s when a 28yr ol guy ran over a kid she deserves long imprisonment. Why? Cos this nice arab guy has enough money to pay the experts to use their talents to proof he didn’t exceed the speed limit & the dad was suicidal & drunk!hehehe!
Ok I don wanna work in my own major, I’m gonna wash dishes in restaurants & there wont be any responsibility for the money I earn, it’s jus clean!
This week was wonderful & the weekend much better.
I went to one of these mental….. experts cos I had no idea how to waste my money & he said im fuckin’ depressed. Am i?
Ok guess time to take my pills, I want some pep pill!
Guess talked more than my coupon!
Ok I honestly accept any changing place to anywhere; yea this is a good opportunity for those who wanna live in States!
Ok, I’ll be back later!
im funny; don deny it!

Ah, the dramatic tools of rudeness and disrespect. How could some people communicate without them? You're an innocent bystander who will have a hard time remaining as such!
this is what i got for today! im quite a bad boy; gonna tell the story later till then enjoy these stolen stuff!
gonna have complex variable exam tomorrow; any idea? no ; well that's the same with me!
private blog

well i had this private blog; really really private, some where to dump the terrible disgustin part of my life & sometimes comparin improvements in my fuckin life. when i got the message below;
omg gotta migrate my blog to somewhere else! ok they offer a 30 days free bloggin! good chance for tryin a new place i thought! but when i entered my user/pass to migrate my previous posts!
sob! wrong user or pass ! ok if they don wanna put my previous posts then i don want it ! free or not!
so i'm back to my own diary; it's pretty better than anythin online! it's jus for me! it's a great software; so if there wasnt much posts from me; surely im writin in my own private place! Lol!
ok handed the paper! yippee! i really have not much idea about what i wrote but i know sth's creepin in my mind! so next paper: study of CREEP and it's behavior in Keith alloys microstructures at any temperture!
ok gotta study for tommorrow exam! so jus enjoy this nice mail i got; yo can join that blogharbor but i don recommend it!
Dear MyBlogSite Member,We'd like to thank you for using the MyBlogSite service and hope that you have found it a fun and useful tool. After a careful evaluation of our product portfolio, we have decided to no longer provide a blog service. We value you as a loyal customer, and want to do everything we can to ensure that you will still be able to continue blogging and keep all your current postings and photos.So we'd like to introduce you to a compatible blog service that you can migrate your account to, BlogHarbor! You'll get a no-risk, 30-Days FREE trial to test the BlogHarbor service. BlogHarbor is a full-service weblog hosting provider based on the same blog platform as MyBlogSite, allowing for an effortless and full migration of your current blogsite. BlogHarbor offers ad-free premium blog hosting starting from $8.95/month, and provides a variety of enhanced services, additional disk space and capacity, total control over the look and feel of your blog, and top-notch customer service and support. BlogHarbor even offers you the ability to use a domain name as your blog address!Try the BlogHarbor service free for up to 30 days with no obligation! Learn more about migrating your blog to BlogHarbor:http://www.blogharbor.com/migratePlease note that if you elect not to transfer your blog to BlogHarbor, on November 30, 2005 you will no longer be able to access, use, update, or visit your MyBlogSite account.
Sincerely, (some fuckin idiots!)
today's idea: nothin better than hearin from an ol' bud
gonna drown in teacup!
have a nice time; im outta my mind; need sleep & time! fuck this week!
thanks that ol' buddy for his nice story ; educational yo know!
From no limbs to NO LIMITS
A Remarkable Story of God's Grace
It says in James 1:2 - "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever youface trials of many kinds."To count our hurt, pain and struggle as nothing but pure joy? As my parentswere Christians, and my Dad even a Pastor of our church, they knew thatverse very well. However, on the morning of the 4th of December 1982 inMelbourne (Australia), the last two words on the minds of my parents was"Praise God!". Their firstborn son had been born without limbs! There wereno warnings or time to prepare themselves for it. The doctors we shockedand had no answers at all! There is still no medical reason why this hadhappened and Nick now has a Brother and Sister who were born just like anyother baby.The whole church mourned over my birth and my parents were absolutelydevastated. Everyone asked, "if God is a God of Love, then why would Godlet something this bad happen to not just anyone, but dedicatedChristians?" My Dad thought I wouldn't survive for very long, but testsproved that I was a healthy baby boy just with a few limbs missing.Understandably, my parents had strong concern and evident fears of whatkind of life I'd be able to lead. The first biggest hurdle was for myparents to be at peace and trusting that God was in control. It took anumber of months of tears, questions and grief before that complete
through those early years and soon after that I was old enough to go toschool.There are a few people who assume that because of my physical disabilitythat it meant that I\'d also be mentally disabled. The law in Australiadidn\'t allow me to be integrated into a main-stream school because of myphysical disability. God did miracles and gave my Mom the strength tofight for the law to be changed. I was one of the first disabled studentsto be integrated into a main-stream school.I liked going to school, and just try to live life like everyone else, butit was in my early years of school where I encountered uncomfortable timesof feeling rejected, weird and bullied because of my physical difference.It was very hard for me to get used to, but with the support of myparents, I started to develop attitudes and values which helped meovercome these challenging times. I knew that I was different but on theinside I was just like everyone else. There were many times when I felt solow that I wouldn\'t go to school just so I didn\'t have to face all thenegative attention. I was encouraged by my parents to ignore them and totry start making friends by just talking with some kids. Soon the studentsrealized that I was just like them, and starting there God kept onblessing me with new friends.There were times when I felt depressed and angry because I couldn\'t changethe way I was, or blame anyone for that matter. I went to Sunday School and",1]
overtook their hearts. God provided them strength, wisdom and couragethrough those early years and soon after that I was old enough to go toschool.There are a few people who assume that because of my physical disabilitythat it meant that I'd also be mentally disabled. The law in Australiadidn't allow me to be integrated into a main-stream school because of myphysical disability. God did miracles and gave my Mom the strength tofight for the law to be changed. I was one of the first disabled studentsto be integrated into a main-stream school.I liked going to school, and just try to live life like everyone else, butit was in my early years of school where I encountered uncomfortable timesof feeling rejected, weird and bullied because of my physical difference.It was very hard for me to get used to, but with the support of myparents, I started to develop attitudes and values which helped meovercome these challenging times. I knew that I was different but on theinside I was just like everyone else. There were many times when I felt solow that I wouldn't go to school just so I didn't have to face all thenegative attention. I was encouraged by my parents to ignore them and totry start making friends by just talking with some kids. Soon the studentsrealized that I was just like them, and starting there God kept onblessing me with new friends.There were times when I felt depressed and angry because I couldn't changethe way I was, or blame anyone for that matter. I went to Sunday School and
love to a point as a child, but I didn\'t understand that if God loved mewhy did He make me like this? Is it because I did something wrong? Ithought I must have because out of all the kids at school, I\'m the onlyweird one. I felt like I was a burden to those around me and the sooner Igo, the better it\'d be for everyone. I wanted to end my pain and end mylife at a young age, but I am thankful once again, for my parents andfamily who were always there to comfort me and give me strength.Due to my emotional struggles I had experienced with bullying, self esteemand loneliness, God has implanted a passion of sharing my story andexperiences to help others cope with whatever challenge they have in theirlife and let God turn it into a blessing. To encourage and inspire othersto live to their fullest potential and not let anything get in the way ofaccomplishing their hopes and dreams.As I grew older God continued to prepare my heart and teach me to seek Him.One of the first lessons that I have learnt was not to take things forgranted. I had that wake up call around the age of twelve and realizedjust how much I was blessed with. I take my foot for granted, my familyand the fact that I wasn\'t born in a third world country all blessingsthat God had freely given and I still complain? I came across;Romans 8:28 - "And we know that in all things God works for the best forthose who love Him."That verse spoke to my heart and convicted me to the point where that I",1]
learnt that God loves us all and that He cares for you. I understood thatlove to a point as a child, but I didn't understand that if God loved mewhy did He make me like this? Is it because I did something wrong? Ithought I must have because out of all the kids at school, I'm the onlyweird one. I felt like I was a burden to those around me and the sooner Igo, the better it'd be for everyone. I wanted to end my pain and end mylife at a young age, but I am thankful once again, for my parents andfamily who were always there to comfort me and give me strength.Due to my emotional struggles I had experienced with bullying, self esteemand loneliness, God has implanted a passion of sharing my story andexperiences to help others cope with whatever challenge they have in theirlife and let God turn it into a blessing. To encourage and inspire othersto live to their fullest potential and not let anything get in the way ofaccomplishing their hopes and dreams.As I grew older God continued to prepare my heart and teach me to seek Him.One of the first lessons that I have learnt was not to take things forgranted. I had that wake up call around the age of twelve and realizedjust how much I was blessed with. I take my foot for granted, my familyand the fact that I wasn't born in a third world country all blessingsthat God had freely given and I still complain? I came across;Romans 8:28 - "And we know that in all things God works for the best forthose who love Him."That verse spoke to my heart and convicted me to the point where that I
"bad" things happen in our life. In;James 1:3&4 - "...know that the testing of your faith developsperseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be matureand complete, not lacking anything."I had complete peace knowing that God won\'t let anything happen to us inour life unless He has a good purpose for it all. I completely gave mylife to Christ at the age of fifteen after reading John 9. Jesus said thatthe reason the man was born blind was "so that the works of God may berevealed through Him." I truly believed that God would heal me so I couldbe a great testimony of His Awesome Power. Later on I was given the wisdomto understand that if we pray for something, if it\'s God\'s will, it\'llhappen in His time. If it\'s not God\'s will for it to happen, then I knowthat He has something better. I now see that Glory revealed as He is usingme just the way I am and in ways others can\'t be used.I am now twenty-one years old and have completed a Bachelor of Commercemajoring in Financial Planning and Accounting. I am also a motivationalspeaker and love to go out and share my story and testimony whereveropportunities become available. I have developed talks to relate to andencourage students through topics that challenge today\'s teenagers. I amalso a speaker in the corporate sector. For more information on Nick\'spresentations go to "Nick\'s Ministry".In recent years, I have learnt to become independent and can now take care",1]
know that there is no such thing as luck, chance or coincidence that these"bad" things happen in our life. In;James 1:3&4 - "...know that the testing of your faith developsperseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be matureand complete, not lacking anything."I had complete peace knowing that God won't let anything happen to us inour life unless He has a good purpose for it all. I completely gave mylife to Christ at the age of fifteen after reading John 9. Jesus said thatthe reason the man was born blind was "so that the works of God may berevealed through Him." I truly believed that God would heal me so I couldbe a great testimony of His Awesome Power. Later on I was given the wisdomto understand that if we pray for something, if it's God's will, it'llhappen in His time. If it's not God's will for it to happen, then I knowthat He has something better. I now see that Glory revealed as He is usingme just the way I am and in ways others can't be used.I am now twenty-one years old and have completed a Bachelor of Commercemajoring in Financial Planning and Accounting. I am also a motivationalspeaker and love to go out and share my story and testimony whereveropportunities become available. I have developed talks to relate to andencourage students through topics that challenge today's teenagers. I amalso a speaker in the corporate sector. For more information on Nick'spresentations go to "Nick's Ministry".In recent years, I have learnt to become independent and can now take care
combing my hair, dressing up, taking care of my personal hygiene and evenshaving. I get around the house by jumpin\' around and, outside the house,I get around in an electric wheelchair. I love to swim, fish and playsoccer. I have a passion for reaching out to youth and keep myselfavailable for whatever God wants me to do, and wherever He leads, Ifollow.I have many dreams and goals that I have set to achieve in my life. I wantto become the best witness I can be of God\'s Love and Hope, to become aninternational inspirational speaker and be used as a vessel in bothChristian and non-Christian venues. I want to become financiallyindependent by the age of 25, through real estate investments, to modify acar for me to drive and to be interviewed and share my story on the "OprahWinfrey Show"! Writing several best-selling books has been one of mydreams and I hope to finish writing my first by the end of the year. Itwill be called "No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!"You might think these goals are too far-fetched. However, I believe that ifyou have the desire and passion to do something, and if it\'s God\'s will,you will achieve it in good time. As humans, we continually put limits onourselves for no reason at all! What\'s worse is putting limits on God whocan do all things. We put God in a "box". The awesome thing about thePower of God, is that if we want to do something for God, instead of",1]
of all my personal needs. I can do everything from brushing my teeth,combing my hair, dressing up, taking care of my personal hygiene and evenshaving. I get around the house by jumpin' around and, outside the house,I get around in an electric wheelchair. I love to swim, fish and playsoccer. I have a passion for reaching out to youth and keep myselfavailable for whatever God wants me to do, and wherever He leads, Ifollow.I have many dreams and goals that I have set to achieve in my life. I wantto become the best witness I can be of God's Love and Hope, to become aninternational inspirational speaker and be used as a vessel in bothChristian and non-Christian venues. I want to become financiallyindependent by the age of 25, through real estate investments, to modify acar for me to drive and to be interviewed and share my story on the "OprahWinfrey Show"! Writing several best-selling books has been one of mydreams and I hope to finish writing my first by the end of the year. Itwill be called "No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!"You might think these goals are too far-fetched. However, I believe that ifyou have the desire and passion to do something, and if it's God's will,you will achieve it in good time. As humans, we continually put limits onourselves for no reason at all! What's worse is putting limits on God whocan do all things. We put God in a "box". The awesome thing about thePower of God, is that if we want to do something for God, instead of
that it is God through us and we can\'t do anything without Him. Once wemake ourselves available for God\'s work, guess whose capabilities we relyon? God\'s!"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13God has a Great Purpose for your life! As far as your unanswered prayers,remember that God is Faithful. What are we to do when we are seeking butnot finding?Jeremiah 29:12 - "Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and Iwill listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with allyour heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord...Take courage my friend for the Battle is the Lord\'s and I urge you to keepstriving for the truth. For it is the truth that will set you free and thePeace of God that surpasses all understanding will reign in your heart.May the Lord Bless you as you diligently seek Him and grant you GodlyWisdom and Strength through your journey.In Unconditional Love,Nick Vujicic--- End of Forwarded Message ---(See attached file: nick.jpg)(See attached file: nick1.jpg)(See attachedfile: nick2.jpg)(See attached file: nick3.jpg)(See attached file:nick4.jpg)",0]
focusing on our capability, concentrate on our availability for we knowthat it is God through us and we can't do anything without Him. Once wemake ourselves available for God's work, guess whose capabilities we relyon? God's!"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13God has a Great Purpose for your life! As far as your unanswered prayers,remember that God is Faithful. What are we to do when we are seeking butnot finding?Jeremiah 29:12 - "Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and Iwill listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with allyour heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord...Take courage my friend for the Battle is the Lord's and I urge you to keepstriving for the truth. For it is the truth that will set you free and thePeace of God that surpasses all understanding will reign in your heart.May the Lord Bless you as you diligently seek Him and grant you GodlyWisdom and Strength through your journey.In Unconditional Love,Nick Vujicic
Sad day for Hub vets
so jus read this part to see what's goin on in Boston ( arghhhhhhhhhhhh)!
For the first time in decades - even with soldiers dying abroad daily - Boston had no Veterans Day parade because organizers feared neither crowds nor marchers would come.
“It’s sad to say they’re at the Veterans Day sales and the movie theaters,” said Boston Veterans Services Commissioner Eugene Vaillancourt.
“They decided they’d just rather have a ceremony at City Hall Plaza because there wouldn’t be any participants in the parade, plus the crowds wouldn’t be there on a Friday afternoon,” he said.
The parade has been held for decades, and, at least since Vaillancourt took over 18 years ago, the city has helped sponsor it.
With so many armed services members overseas, parade marchers were hard to come by. And the crowds that once lined the streets to cheer the city’s vets just aren’t showing up anymore, let alone on a Friday. Veterans Day is marked every Nov. 11, World War I’s Armistice Day anniversary, regardless of the day of the week.
“If lack of participation is the reason, then I guess that says a lot,” said David O’Connor, a Vietnam-era Army intelligence officer living in the South End. “If that’s the way things are, it’s just a shame.”
Members of Dorchester’s American Legion Post 65 had their own ceremony on their crowded front lawn along Gallivan Boulevard.
“A lot of people are pissed off, to be very frank about it,” said the post’s Frank McDonough, an Air Force veteran who served in Vietnam. “This was the first time in all these years they never had a veterans thing, as far as the parade goes.”
“I think it’s disgusting, I really do,” said Richard McKeen, also a member of the Dorchester Legion post. “Not that the parade is anything, but let’s show a little respect to the veterans.”
Other events yesterday included a parade for veterans organized by the city of Cambridge, a memorial road race in Stoneham, and a benefit dinner for the New England Shelter for Homeless Veterans
Real Or Cyber
It’s fun switchin’ to other things like black Sabbath but to keep your mind balanced better here Jaymz’ voice.
Back to blogger! It’s all net but there’s a lot difference between blogger & mydiary; though both public; it’s a lot more difficult to find what you wanna read in blogger but you find precious readers.
So back to here, just to remind himself (myself) there shouldn’t be any daily stuff. Let’s talk about cyber & real world.
Well considering the world population’s over 6.5 billion, how many people have access to the net. Guess not more than 10% (be glad if given an accurate static)
Ok if some one asks you:” which one you prefer, cyber world or real world?”
I’m sure more than 9.8% of that 10% prefer real world. Well what ever we are; what ever we claim to be. We are human beings, real people with needs, social needs; we need to talk to real people; going out , eat, drink & blah blah… if somebody asked me such a question 7-8 month ago, without any pause I’d say surely real world; fuck cyber things, what are they good for; wastin time & money sorta addictive.
If you ask me now I still give you the same answer but I’ll hesitate, think a little & then give you that answer. I’m not the same guy I used to be 7-8 months ago, really different.
Been wondering why some people prefer to check their mails before eating breakfast; to turn their YM,AIM, MSN…. On before starting their job…..!
It’s a long time I ask my friends to give me their e-mail address when askin for their phone numbers! But why?
Guess human’s sucha complicated creature in the world that no matter how hard he try there are still tons of questions remaining!
I’m not a psychologist but a psycho. Don’t wanna say anything scientific or philosophic
You know I’m not that kinda guy!
The funny thing’s that in real world it took a while to trust somebody & quite a time to decide if ya wanna have any relation with that guy. Then a longer time to tell them some personal things & a lot longer to tell ‘em your secrets (maybe this part never happens with some guys!).and let’s talk about the times you need their help. Well you need to think who you should ask & would it worth the trouble. Then you gotta prepare that guy for what you wanna ask; for instance I keep on talking for over 15 minutes about weather, what I had for lunch…., how’s my study…. to ask my friend if he can help me with some MATLAB problems! Such an easy job. Let’s not talk about the times we’re mad at our friends …..
On the other hand we have this cyber world, with million IDs to face; some Ids the same person, some for people we know like friends and some totally strangers.
You have a guy in a chat room, in a group or even in ablog ok jus ask “asl?” and then everything’s finished. Within a few days you talking to a complete stranger you know nothing about; you can trust ‘em witout seein ‘em and the funny thing’s you telling ‘em things that you wouldn’t tell your family. Funny! ( over 90% you wont have the chance to meet ‘em!)
Blogs: a place to shout , to cry, to let your feelings out! What a hell I’m doin? I’m jus telling my personal things to strangers & then thank them for listening. Great!
Guess I’m gaining my senses back, sorta hypnotized you know!
Have you ever thought the guy you chattin with, cursin at your boss could be the boss himself.
The girl who tries to convince you she’s worth goin out with & you really feel she’s sth valuable better dump gf or wife is the gf or wife herself.
Possibilities you know!
So the next time I try to begin a journal or add a new ID to my list gonna think for a second!
Possibilities; they can happen! Let’s not sell our real world to none existing names!
Let’s not believe in cyber love; it doesn’t exist. Its fun having some blogs to read when bored, have some guys to chat with for fun & in gloomy times…. But remember even if you can trust’em they’re not there for you all the time! So I’m gonna try to find some lost part of my soul in real world, maybe it’s somewhere in my closet, maybe I put it in my backpack!
Don’t get shocked! Guess I’m not ok!
Hey I had the remaining half of my sandwich for dinner maybe it was rotten!
Note: thanks reading; this was jus something to remind myself I have exam next Thursday!
Note 2: the things I said include everyone except my twin!
Note 3: remember every one has a twin possibly separated in birth! You gotta blame Storks for their wrong or late delivery. I’ve found my own; better look for yours if not found yet! He/she worth the trouble givin’ time to find & think about! I promise!
Note 4: don’t chat with me I’m your boss! (argghhhh I always trip while lyin’!)
Note 5: I’m done & really outta my mind; this fake smile’s jus part of positive energy I stole from my twin; surely vanish when I meet profs again!
The crazy crazy blogger with no clue why some people visit here! Aha I forgot, I begged you to come!
Don’t get disappointed I’m addicted to bloggin like hell!
Let’s toke the first for you
Let’s toke the second for the girlfriend
Let’s toke the third for the family
Let’s toke the fourth for the friends
Let’s toke the fifth for the profs
Let’s toke the sixth for the bartender
Let’s toke the seventh for the books waiting to be read
Let’s toke the eighth for the hommie
Let’s toke the ninth for the roach creeping under the bed
Let’s toke the tenth for the neighboring mouse family
Let’s toke the eleventh for the poor cat getting wet
So let’s toke the last for myself.
still transferring
transfer completed
A voice:”can’t you read? Late arrivals gotta press that red button”
So the red button’s pressed
a guy with a flash like tail:” hi my son welcome home”
well it’s comfy here but a bit hot!???????????????

This blog’s for sale.( I stole this idea, no linkin’ hope he doesn’t mind, hey ya don’t’ mind, do you?)
It’s really cheap. Jus 4000$. It’s worth more (don’t believe? check here) but I guess we can agree on the price!
So I’m movin’ to a bigger place.
I feel really dizzy and cold. I’m not ok! And I have a soul mate that drives me crazy, so….
This blog is blocked for national security and the irresponsible blogger is sentenced to a week hard work on his books!
I’m movin’ to somewhere else! Yippee! I’m movin’ to a new place!
Take away the sensation inside
Bitter sweet migraine in my head
Its like a throbbing tooth ache of the mind
I can't take this feeling anymore
Bye Bye
Of horoscopes'n Me
my satus: still workin' on that paper & still have the abstract only!
there's sth I like about Boston. when ya feel sad, depressed.... it's all shiny & warm; when ya happy & energetic it's cloudy, rainy & gloomy! so today's weather forcast: a cold windy stormy day.
I know a lot of people think horoscopes are BS, ya damned right! but i enjoy readin' em at the end of each day & comparin' it to what i did. it's really funny,especially when ya have nothin' to laugh at.
the joky thing's when it's about sex stuff, my future love.... i spent that day mostly at home, feelin' down in the dumps.
jus for instance this is for friday:Being prepared is your key to confidence. When you know you can deliver the goods, you have no problem selling yourself. A stranger is your link to new friends and possibly love. Chat up someone new.
what happened: actually ya know.sellin' myself? ha ? then how much would I get, no more than 50$ i saved & guess no stranger'd fall in love with a red nose guy sniffin' every 10 secs!
wanna more laugh, this is my weekend love forcast:You're so attractive that you'll have more offers than you know what to do with
sounds great, i dunno who can think i'm attractive with a cold; ya i got too many offers. ya know had to beg several guys to go to the lab instead of me! yea there were too many volunteers that i decided to do it myself!
and this is for saturday:Review and assess your personal progress. It's nice if you have an hour to ponder and journal, but it's likely that you'll only have a few moments to yourself in the car on the way to a kid's birthday party or some such event.
lemme see whad i have for this one, i jus reviewed my progress, not a dot added to my homework, still got many problems to solve....(personal progress assessed, mission complete)
ponder & journal? that's what i was doin' all day! and the car thing: yea a few moments cos if anyone lends me his/her car, he/she'd get it back in less than 3 minutes! no car to baby boys like me, ya may damage it!
I want a viper for my B'day, come to my party & gimme the present; i promise to get surprised!deal? so i'm waitin'.
but the thing that really drove me crazy was this nice celeb profile, it's so complete that no comment's needed:
Whether he's Puff Daddy, P. Diddy or just plain Diddy, this wild Scorpio will prove yet again that he cannot be stopped. Diddy's ambitions have helped him to conquer the ultra-competitive worlds of music, fashion, television and film. I predict a marriage to longtime companion, Kim Porter, this upcoming year and another child between them to round out Diddy's inner need to have it all.
see, i was right!?!?!?!?!?*&^%$#@...
Warning:"This blog's intoxicated. didn't yo notice!"
note: signs of intoxication= writing about horoscopes & zodiac signs
PS: have a nice weekend & don't forget the Viper! yo have only one month remainin!the countdown's gonna start on monday!
It seems I missed Friday bloggin’ don’t think I was busy cos I wasn’t; jus think I was sick, fuckin’ sick with a cool fever! & lots of sore throat barely could talk. I really fell in love with Steve when he tries to make me out. I had fever & thinking of goin to BGH on my own; fuckin’ sucked. “lemme try my chance” was the thing came to my mind. So I gave Steve a call & asked ‘im to come home earlier to take me ta doc. Heavens, he was really in good mood, so to doc & back. Really painful. No matter how many docs I try, it’s all the same. I jus look like a guy who’s in fact fond of that needle attached to a plunger. Omg, please don’ gimme such excruciating materials. I jus like antibiotics. I wish I were a kid & could cry so the doc realized his unfair decision & jus keep up with tablets & these things. As far as ya informed I’m such a brilliant student, I learned nothin’ from my metal forming course but jus the rollin’ part that resulted in makin’ needles & the followin’ things affectin’ this lovely piece of metal to be less unbearable. Anyway, at the moment I have trouble climbin’ stairs; not cos of that what cha macallit (penicillin injection I guess) but cos of those high jumps I had on the wet stones!
This was all for Thursday, then came Friday; I was in bed makin’ my mind “to go or not to go” when Steve called me sayin:” I was late for my class” as if given an ultimatum, I got & dressed. Then came the nice offer of takin’ me to Cambridge!
Yea, guess Steve’s kinda mentally sick, hope he never get well. it’s really good & profitable for me, so let’s pray this craziness remains for a while.
Imagine a warm Friday in fall, sun’s shinin’ the prof’s fully energetic talkin’ about thermodynamics of chemical reactions & tryin’ to remember Boltzmann constant completely; everyone’s tryin’ to mislead ‘im & ya sittin’ there quietly playin’ with yer pen, wonderin’ when this foolish class gonna end. Such a lovely Friday! Ok to make this dull day cherish, ya gonna have a hydro lab in the evenin’ from 1-6 pm and ya don’t have time to even put yer ass on a chair for a rest. And again gotta remind ya that yo fuckin’ sick & a little feverish. This is called hard path to become a grad! And surely no Noble prize. Sob! I dunno why some guys still think gettin’ degree’s easy?!? Can ya help?
Hhhmmm, what else? Aha, we’ve this gatherin on every first Saturday of new month; so we’d one taday. But as long as I’m on a tight budget, decided to stay in & save 50 $. I know I’m fuckin’ genius!
Well, enough crap said. This posts suck like previous posts. One last thing, guess ya better check here; this guy’s kinda lively & crazy! Jus imagine me waddlin’ on the sands with a board in my hand, wearin’ a speckled (red & white) pants, wonderin’ how I can use Archimedes law to float on water & examinin’ waves to be high enough to take me a few inches up in the ocean!
I know I’d be fuckin’ cute but let’s put this hilarious scene for the time when there was nothin’ funny here!
I don’ believe in reincarnation but if I did, I was undeniably a cat before becomin’ what I am. Wanna know the reasons:
1. I hate water
2. I have water phobia
3. I hate cats!
Ok,ok I know too much creepy craps.no more shit. I’m done.
Cos ya were good guys readin’ this post utterly ya allowed laughing at my pic!
I’ll send ya my surfin’ pic when I get a board, so better not wait for that post!
That was all about my glorious day, not much to say, wanna some sleep. Anybody knows how I can get rid of nightmares? Right ,that’s it.
Wednesday Review
Then a class & after that Tph , really easy. I asked another guy to put my name on his homework too! Cos I hadn’t done ‘em completely. Then I had a quiz that I had a little idea, remeberin’ the formula upside down then got a really big flux!
Then goes the CV problems that I had a good copyin’ act! And the worst part was the exam, that it really was a disappointment, I almost fainted by the vision of the problem it was jus one question goin like this a,b, c,…f! WTF!
Thanks my eyesight I wrote that all I could see from a pal!
Oops at last Wednesday’s finished, what a day it was, full of stress, I jus got home at 4.30 great!
Then took a shower & now I’m still givin’ my brain some rest. Steve’s back, he had a splendid time with his family but he’s extremely mad at me & been cursin’ for at least 20 minutes! Ok as usual I’m the jerk, not to mention what I did, to give ya a clue he shouted:” don’ move round the place wet & naked again” 5-6 times in the last 10 minutes.
Tomorrow’s 3rd of November and I’m not goin to Cambridge, want a day off; I’m thinkin’ of goin’ to churchyard or maybe I jus stay at home. An idle classmate called & said he’s goin to GL. I may try the peak too. Only not in the mood of doin’ homework & this stuff. When I think of the past nine years I feel terribly sick & miserable. I dunno how I feel now sad, angry, depressed, I really dunno, but I’m gonna find out soon.
PS Doug called yesterday sayin’ it wasn’t much fun withouht me, well this means he hadn’t found any jackass like me to laugh at till now. What a success! Ok please next time ya wanted to talk to a knuckle head don’t call me, deal?
PPS today’s song: Metallica’s Mama said, I wanted to share the full song but I really dunno how to do it, I know I’m a sucker.
Please listen to it & mourn with me. Let’s go out for a walk, I need some air!
Mama, now I'm coming home
I'm not all you wished of me
A mother's love for her son
Spoken, help me be
Well, I took your love for granted
And all the things you said to me
I need your arms to welcome me
But, a cold stone's all I see
Twin soul
But after such a long time something weird happened that I really dunno how to explain it. Its like I found my twin some how. I even dunno why I thought of that word. It’s such a strange feelin’ I have this guy on the other side of globe (really on the other side) that never seen, never talked; it’s not a long time I knew him but foolishly I think some invisible ties. The funny thing’sthat I can swear we have nothing (or alittle) in common. BTW I dunno whether he’s makin’ me be realistic or I’m at last growin’ up. I’m jus balancin’ some part of my life. I cant say these last few month were all success & happiness, but I tried many things & gave up a lot more. Lots & lots of experiences that really worth tryin’. I’m workin’ on my thinkin’ and I’m thinkin’ it’s improvin’. I have no idea what’s my next step. But I feel a lot happy finidin’ him, maybe he’s jus an image of what I’m gonna be or wanted to be. Jus wanted to thank God for finidn’ him & wish him luck and happiness wherever he is.
Of Bloggin’n google

I read somewhere that 27% of internet usage’s dedicated to blogging & reading blogs (a 58% increase comparing with last year)
There are 8 million bloggers in US and it’s estimated that companies near 750 million$ loss per week cos of this. It’s funny to know several people lost their job cos of this antisocial act. Not to mention that many places use bloggin’ filters (includin’ my university).
Well it was quite a good record!
Seems better cut off bloggin’ to reduce pay bills!
Aha one more thing: surely everyone knows what google is & as one of the best search engines it’s havin’ an important role in expansion of net use, followin’ that net’s influencin’ our everyday life, google might look like this in 2084!
Enjoy the technology
Things to ponder:” researches showed that employees who spent most of their time checking mails, messages & chatting would have IQ decrease (this amounts to times bigger than usin’ MJ)
So better put other things in yer daily in order not to turn to robots! Hehehehe!
I have made many mistakes (calculation) this week.
First: list of gotta do
Solve 3 transport phenomena’s problems (havin’ many integrals! Yuck)
Solve 10 complex variables’ problems (a serious copyin’ action cos I dunno what a hell it’s about)
Write a review about “Study of creep and its behavior in magnesium alloy microstructures at high temperature” (the paper sucks like its topic)
Find a Halloween custom (not a difficult job actually)
Second: Points to ponder
The TPh’s problems are solved, with some notes made by me like: we can find T1 by this equation (a long unsolved thing) then replace it into equation no.2 & then some simplification….
The CV’s problems utterly forgotten cos I didn’t have the number of problems to solve let alone not knowing the answers!
The paper; actually put for further consideration, cos you know Rome wasn’t built in a day so how can I write a paper in 2-3 days, I jus wrote the abstract & key words, fuck other parts
About the trippin’ matter; guess it was obvious cos Tuesday was holiday (I’m blushed).
About the Halloween; guess stayin’ home’s such an idiotic act & quite (almost) impossible; so when I got a call from a friend sayin’ we were expectin’ ya for lunch (it was 3.5 pm) I got dressed & drove to the party, yiiiiiippeeeeeeeee
Foot notes:
1. I appreciate myself a lot for bein’ able to be a thorough jerk all the time; I didn’t drink even a sip of anything alcoholic (jus imagine the host’s face!) cos I was on my booze less week of year (always began on 1-7 nov. , though this year started on 29 oct)
2. a gal got interested in me (surely too much drinkin’) and I had to give her a ride (I dropped her somewhere far from her place) I’m feelin’ pity for the girl cos she thought I’m loaded! ( I had Steve’s Beemer!)
ok it was a gr8 party, I’m still thinking on my paper and got less than 12 hours (including sleepin!)
There was a lot more I wanted to write but I’m tired as hell!