
Some changes

Kim called ‘n asked to be there at 10, and our reunion’s on Wednesday evening. (it’s a high school reunion!)
im dying of curiosity but sth came to my mind, gotta check it before goin guess its gonna be a drug dealin!


Im really shocked, today I went to church as promised, hell that place remind me of death, I dunno why but better not to try it again. Today I realized I cant remember the names of apostles, ain’t it strange?!
Today’s really weird, I was tryin to go down in my dumps to look for sth, a bit depressed, me ‘n him were left alone again, he was jus beatin me again when the phone rang, thought the guy’d call later, tried to ignore it, but he didn’t hang so I answered, it was my close friend Sh. sayin he was arranging some reunion on Thursday askin me to join, well what a hell I have to do, let’s go, as I accepted this nice guy asked me to call 3 other guys, fuck ‘em, 2 of ‘em didn’t answered ‘n one busy gotta call ‘em later!
Then I went back to that shinin piece of glass, our only way of communicatin’?! we were jus getting ot some point that the phone rang again, without hesitation I answered, this time it was Kim askin me if im free this evenin’ surely I am, she told me to meet her at intersection of Sumner ‘n Porter at 9.30, I dunno what’s waitin for me, she told me it’s a surprise!
Anyway im surprised even now, I jus wonder where a hell these guys were 2 weeks ago!?
Still surprised, I’ll write later, now wanna move to my book. Im reading a love story, it sucks!
Am I crazy? I dunno!


They make me a junkie

Today some shinin star flashed in my sky ‘n I decided to cheer, wearin my mask again, I put a Eminem in the player (instead of all time playin tallica!) I was enjoyin “ass Like That” when Doug shouted “shut his mouth up! Ya can put yer tallica again!”
Ok ya guys can ya tell me when my black bud don’t like rap himself, should I enjoy it? This guy suffocated my feelings, now im disappointed ‘n gonna take some crack for dinner!
If ever heard of my death its all my homie’s fault.(J)
Thought this post gonna be funny, turned to a pile of shit, anyway keep on laughin
Thanks I ll try later!


Report of the day

sorry guys seems its impossible to stop!
Today was one of my craziest days after my resurrection; I decided to put on my mocking mask again, singin cheerfully all day long, went to bed at 3.5 and after half an hour fightin fell asleep; at 4.5 our fuckin bell rang, completely asleep, half naked opened the door thinking it was Doug, after a few minutes found out I was wrong ran to my room. Back again completely awake, wearing one of my sweaty t-shirts waitin to be washed (with the help of some after shave it was ok, or it seemed like that) ‘n still my pants (well they couldn’t see my legs), ok handsome I looked, guess gonna win the most handsome ass of this year! { laugh please, I’m usin all my talents to make this shit funny, or I’d begin cryin}
Cut the 2.5 hours story short, my cousin ‘n granny came to meet me { my granny didn’t know what I did so I told her I had a wreck, then I fucked with the next question “what happened to yer 4-wheele” sayin what auto?}
My cousin came to say goodbye, goin to Germany (tomorrow) for further education {I dunno what’s fuckin wrong with here!} I hate departures ‘n she left me with wet eyes (describing my own eyes){thanks to my awake conscious didn’t kiss her cos she was really willing!) when she left I had my granny with the story of my aunt ‘n her fuckin husband getting divorce after 35yr cos her fuckin husband fell in love with a chick. I dunno why my family’s so interested in cliché soaps of abc, any idea!
Guess you can imagine how I feel right now, I dunno why granny unburdened herself to me cos she always thought im irresponsible casual unrespectable shaky intolerable unpredictable dirty unforgivable unacceptable unreasonable… (you’re welcome to add as much as these adjectives available!) grandson of her with a brain in me pants. Her thoughts sucks, ain’t it!
Now im tryin not to go down in the dumps again. Better ask the mayor to change the place of dumps so I cant find it ‘n cant go down there. I want my mask back! It’s vanishin again.
Footnotes:In the midst of this mess, a friend of mine called me ‘n asked about a company connected with net marketing, askin for s’me advice to earn more bucks, what a bitch!? (I dunno me or him!)


stop bloggin

Sorry guys no more blogging for a while
Wanna s’me time to think ‘n take a look at my books


rule of the day

Jus a few line for today cos I feel sick ‘n likely to pukeDo not drink milk, coffee, tea ‘n orange juice added with cookies ’n some fuckin fruit or you feel as I feel now, thanx Kris for milk suggestion



i duno why they close revere said cos of sewer burst some days ago but havent they thought what would happen to the feelings of a young hopeful guy/me/-who bought new pant that can be worn on his plastery legs- wanted to go swimming?
gotta do the suicide again or play with the sands not yet decided
ps dont talk about other places wanna go to this one

fun of the day

really bored today so drew a big smilin face called it keith n spat at it
an ol buddy paid a visit n brought me a priceless book about persepolis send some pics later damn mother fucker Alexander
moved back to boston n dyin of goin to labdel wana have a big ham
congratulated myself for 43th time for lookin so fuckin handsome with a hairless head n fractured jaw
read all the blogs I like n got nothing to read now- can anyone introduce more?
finally got a way to type ? with one finger
on the way to boston went to a takeout –beter say was taken-
got the chance to go to post sq park n fucked up with an ol guy sayin im right handed while drawin with my left hand
let 2 little kids write- fuck off – on me leg
thats it


he's gone

Today when I got up there was a strange smell in the air, no it wasn’t detergent, don’t jam to my poetic feelings!
I could smell death, well its something stinky. First I was terrified but it was real, after struggling for a week at last he is gone, miracles expires don’t they?
I’ve been thinking all me life what happens if he die & now he’s dead stone dead he’s not breathing I wanted to cry, not a good idea, been crying whole week no more tears left, wanna celebrate, don’t ya know today’s a national holiday! Yea it is celebrating his death, shhh don’t make a sound you may wake him. I buried him, don’t want to get alive, I’ll carve his name on the stone later, I promise. What a feeling!

A day with plasterman & Psycho

I did sth crazy, sth like soaps those cheap romantic soaps that make ya throw out your guts. It’s fun doin this stuff sometimes!
I called Meg & asked her come take me, I ran away from this hell a romantic runaway, a boy in plaster with his ex running away from hospital.
I know they’ll look for me, let’em pay the bill! (kidding, we paid the bill before leaving, still have some bucks in my jackpot!)
Hmmm fresh air, something wonderful, Meg bought me 3 splendid cacti, can ya believe it? She almost killed the others, when I forgot to take’em the other day.
I gave myself a big smile today cos don’t have to meet those psycho friends of Hugh, gonna kill’em if met ‘em again.
This is what psychiatrists (psycho) do: Close yer eyes & imagine you’re in a garden what can ya see?
Me: Cacti many of ‘em really colorful, many different green.
Psycho: look you are in a garden of roses, what do you see now?
Me: I don’t like roses they’re too romantic.
Psycho: OK let’s try another thing; you’re in North Pole…
Me: hey what a hell I’m doin there, it’s too cold there I have asthma cold weather’s bad for me!
Psycho: just imagine, right (I nod my head), you go to a cave where you see yer feelings yer fears, what it looks like?
Me: nothing, it’s dark!
Psycho: look every where’s covered with snow (it reflects light) besides day light can come to your cave, right?
Me: ok my cave’s full of black snow; we have black snow, don’t we? And according to Kirchhoff‘s law black bodies absorb light…(guess it wasn’t Kirchhoff cos his law’s about voltage…, but sure the psycho didn’t know!), so I can’t see anything!
Psycho: (a bit angry) we don’t have black snow…
Me: (interrupting other people’s a rude act, but its not true with the psycho, do it as much as ya like!) OK can ya turn on the lights so I can see the cave!
Psycho (with a relaxing tone {not for me, I was calm, for himself cos getting a bit hot under collar!}): ok lights on now what do you see?
Me: let me see, where’re ya hidin darling come come lem’me see ya, ouuuuuugh ( this was supposed to be a scream so read it as a scream) ya there little mischievous devil, lookin cute, now smile ( my eyes still close, and talking to myself really drivin’ him crazy I could feel the radiation)….
Now you can talk as much as you like talking irrelevant, nonsense, BS …, I did it for 45minutes (this time depends on the guy you’re talking to, if it’s a female psycho you have to talk longer, they’re really patient).
OK now your psychiatrist’s well-cooked ( be careful if you talk too much it may get over-cooked) he/she’s red now & ya can see the smoke around him/her, if it’s burned ( got black) throw it away & try a new one.
Now you can have it for any meal you wish, salad, ketchup& olive oil do good, thanks for watching our next program’s recipe for bbqing surgeons in theater. Have a nice time. (End of mother Keith [like mother goose] show)
OK guys wanna know the rest, at last when the psycho was as hot as boiling water, he asked to leave his room & I reminded him couldn’t leave cos dear Mr orthopedist put me in plaster.
Hey guys seems laughing , welcome back Keith Thomason. Love ya all, love me back, I love comments just don’t come read & leave.
What a long post. It’s a lot fun posting without typing it, Meg thank yourself!
Note for the pic: on the left me (donkey), right Meg (he’s really funny, but a real jackass)
ps me n meg gonna hav a romantic night come join us guess she cant sleep cause of my moans ya wont feel outta this world when ya re a plasterman



Don’t say a word, I know, I know. I made a big mistake in my calculations, I was good at dynamics, jumpin’ down from 32ft a good idea but why didn’t ya checked where ya fall, damn ya, gotta hit concrete not grass.
Shut up; don’t say a word, why ain’t ya dead yet, thought ya were dead when I opened my eyes, thought it was a coffin, why wasn’t it like that. Ok lucky this time, can’t beat the rap one more time, I don’t want to hear yer voice, that makes me shake, I’m happy ya got a fractured jaw, no talkin’ for a while.
I made a mistake, but won’t do it again, next time I try 15, what a hell can save ya?
Gonna buy a black stone for your grave, it’d be better if ya die on yer birthday, exactly 25 much better, I carve yer shitty name on it with me own hands. Why ya so disgusting? C’mmon take that mask, I hate that fake smile, can’t hide yerself from me, let’em see ya cryin’. Whadya think? How ya dare sendin’ mails to that group again? Ain’t ya ashamed? They worried for ya little cunt. Embarrassing, they’re busy guys what do ya want from ‘em? If ever hear yer name in that place gonna blow yer mind even if it’s not er birthday, right idiot!
Take a look at yer face? Fuckin’ handsome, cheer they shaved all yer hair, you look splendidly handsome with that bandage, love ya bitch. I’m tired, really tired. I close my eyes and pray to lord next stop’s cemetery, I hate hearin’ this beeping sound remindin’ me ya’re still alive. Waitin’ for ya in hell.
Ps lord can ya tell me why still breathin?


Finish Line

All of us get to the finish line at last, sooner or later, it happens.
Today I realized I’m really lonely, no friends callin’ no SMS, no IM, noting… they just call me when they need something. And if I ever call ‘em just for their sakes, they talk in a way that I’m wasting their precious time. So I decided to get to my finish line, thanks to the friends & family who tolerated me for almost one forth of a century, thanks for not lovin’ me, thanks to the feeling I have now, this is supposed to be my will, have nothing for anyone, so just say sorry for botherin’ you, thanks for the many times I begged for your love & thanks to my mighty creator.
Lord don’t tell me I don’t have the right to close my book before the time ‘cause I don’t tell you you didn’t have the right to create me, I know I was never grateful for the so many blessings & gifts & talents you gave me. I know people are just dying of thirst, hunger & other people’s greed.
I don’t want to be greedy, so finish the race earlier to give some other humans tastes your blessing more.
Thank you friends for the tolerance
Keith Nathanial Thomason
Born 7 December 1980
Death 18 July 2005-07-18
Hope when you pass by my grave take a look at the gravestone


Good choice!

Which do you prefer for the night drive back home when you’re extremely tired: contacts or glasses?
I’ll be back later, not in the mood of writin’ tonight?


Thanks to the 13th viewer, got a good luck!
Placed this counter today, seemed not a bad idea!
Before goin’ to bed gotta say some words about the spell of Harry Potter, it’s a bit strange when I heard kids celebratin’ the release of 6th book in Boston Children’s Museum in their cloaks!
Gotta confess though I enjoyed the first 3 books (still a kid at that time!) now think J.K Rowling just write BS, she’s no talents, but a good mix of so many stories; some suggestions to the author for the books:
“Harry Potter and the Layover in Phoenix"
"Harry Potter and the Gimlet of Vodka"
"Harry Potter and the Family Stone"
“Harry Potter and the Goblet of Shits”
"Harry Potter and the Janitor of Azkaban"
"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Hotdog"
“Harry Potter and the Uranium Stone”
"Harry Potter and the Sharon Stone"
“Harry Potter and the Half-Naked Trol”
"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce”
“Harry Potter and the Date in Phoenix”
“ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Zenda”
“Harry Potter and the… (sorry any more suggestions!)
PS anyone gone to the Tom Jones’ show in Bean Town, what was it like?

Nextel Cup

Hey guys
Now I’m back to my senses, feel really sorry that I didn’t go to N.H. I dunno how long would it take for the next chance!
Great, Tony Stewart won the Nextel 232 outta 300 & 0.851 sec fronna Busch, sorry Kurt, don’t think too much, let‘s show your talent next time!
Seems Chevy’s doin’ good, I’m thinking of Corvette again!
Wish you a lead in your life, gotta go to Cambridge, gotta meet someone.
About the pics(up down):
Kurt Busch overcame a spinout(35th lap) to finish second!
And a view of the race; can see Tony there!
Tony celebratin’ his Nextel Cup wining
Tony climbin’ fences infronna grandstand, new way of celebratin’ victory


congratulation my bitch for the remarkable things

durin’ my time in the net bumped into a blog, considerin himself funny, not too bad to check, there’s his usual post with the title of “highlights of the day”, hate imitatin’ other people’s ideas, but came the question do my day need any highlights?
As I said in the other place not gone to N.H. ‘cause not in the good mood, so missed NASCAR!
After releasin’ from the hell I mentioned in the other place, I spent a while listening to Eminem’s Puke (Encore), just joinin’ him in the john!
After I came to my senses, I remembered hadn’t checked my marks yet & called a friend to go check it for me, at last this nice bud decided to SMS me & give me my remarkable marks as below:
CORROSION: 52.5 (got to remind ya that I lost the project mark ‘cause of my own laziness makin’ me tore a 50p project on “molten salt corrosion!)
METAL FORMING: 49.5 (nothing to remind, the proff. Promised to add 2 points each, so let’s pray or I’ll fail this nice subject)
Nice day, the weather’s BEAUTful, I dunno why it smells like PUKE!
Gonna throw out my guts again, loo’s callin’ me, don’t forget to pray
Gotta go I’m seriousssssssssssssss



I can’t believe my luck, got a ticket back home TODAY! I’m runnin’ away from this terrible place, one of my worst trips, I’m leavin this morning. Do you see what I see in this fuckin’ city ? do you feel what I feel goin’ home?
I love Bean town, I love it, I LOVE IT & more than that my big black buddy, we’re headin to N.H. he got the NASCAR tickets, nice weekend, I’ll write more when back, thanks Doug this pressure was killin’ me,
just close your eyes
move to heaven doors
just forget that terrible lies
move to no sorrows way
know I’m not a good poet! I’m thinkin’ of jumpin’ in the middle of roarin’ speedy cars in N.H

This is my pic taken when I jumped to the plane headin� to Boston!


My wooly bear

my dirty shoes, can anyone buy me a new pairs?


Thought yesterday’s goin’ to be sth worth talkin’ about but there was nothing especial, this is all I did:
Bought Terri a bunch of roses, we’re mother & son again, but made me call Meg (hope I hadn’t call)
Terri bought me a nice wooly bear that I’ll send the pic later
Got my return ticket for the next week
Called Kev & asked him to lend me 10000 bucks, wanna buy a Peugeot (I’ll buy the Viper later)
Wore out my shoes, can anyone wash ‘em for me?
Cried myself to sleep but woke up I the middle of the night ‘cause of many nightmares I saw
Doug called me tellin’ there’s a Iso T-Storms that really made me happy
Bought a big box of corn flakes ‘cause everyone’s talkin’ about corns & Peter really affected my corn feelings
Kept on thinkin’ where my little bro is & came to the conclusion:”he’s lost”, so please let me know if found ‘im!
Got a mail sayin’ what the meaning of my name is but got a problem with “I” thinkin’ I can make people cry rather than smile
In the end I paste the mail here! Wanna go to bed again!
A è You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind.
B è You are always cautious when it comes to meeting new people.
C è You definitely have a partier side in u, don't be shy to show it
D è You have trouble trusting people.
E è You are a very exciting person.
F è Everyone loves you.
G è You have excellent ways of viewing people.
H è You are not judgmental.
I è You are always smiling and making others smile.
J è Jealously
K è You like to try new things.
L è Love is something you deeply believe in.
M è Success comes easily to you.
N è You like to work, but you always want a break. O è You are very open-minded.
P è You are very friendly and understanding.
Q è You are a hypocrite.
R è You are a social butterfly.
S è You are very broad-minded.
T è You have an attitude, a big one.
U è You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards.
V è You have a very good physique and looks.
W è You like our privacy.
X è You never let people tell you what to do.
Y è You cause a lot of trouble.
Z è You're always fighting with someone



Nothing interesting about today, you can’t have exciting time everyday, it’s cloudy & I’m stayin’ in feelin really bored, for the first time thought I missed Bean Town, jus’ lucky I don’t live here!
I found these questions in someone else’s blog, gotta confess I stole the questions & put my own answers, hope she/he doesn’t mind.(if she/ he minds, nothing happen!)

A- Age you got your first kiss: too young to remember exactly sth round 12 or 13
B - Band listening to right now: Metallica
C - Crush: so many to name but lately jus’ that asshole called Meg(my ex fiancée )
D- Drink of Choice:hot black cofee
E - Easiest person:Doug, Kit,Kev, anyone livin’ in our building except me & Neal
F - Favorite band at the moment:Metallica
H – Holiday: Christmas, Halloween, Easter
I- Instruments: zither (broke it some month ago & never got a new one)
J- Juice: orange & green apple
K - Kids: not too bad, like havin’ one of my own
L - Longest car ride ever: San Francisco to Miami nice rally & took almost a week, but never try it again (it was done between pile of dweebs like me, guess we were 5 or 6 autos!)
M- Major: materials, mostly metals (the same as genre I like!)
N - Nicknames:Kieth, Keeeth( in a shouting way), Asshole, Nathan (rarely!) whatelse I can expect from a short name?!
O - One wish: visit pyramids & king’s valley, buy my own condo & Viper but more than that I loved to have a farm
P - Phobia[s]:animals (especially hairy ones),height, darkness &roaches
Q - Quote: “Thank you friends” James Hetfield from Metallica, “Son, your life's an open book Don't close it before it's done” by the same guy!
R - Reason to smile: rarely smile ‘cause I dunno the reason
S - Song you sang last: Enter sandman& Battery-Metallica (they’re playin at the same time one in mp3 & one in walkman)
T - Time you woke up [today]:20 after 4(surely AM)
U - Unknown fact about me: just simple guy who wants to change his world, btw there’re lots of unknown facts about humans, dunno if it goes the same with me
V - Vegetable you hate: I hate most of the veggies especially cabbage
W - Worst habit(s): spendin’ a lot of time in the net, fuckin’ around anywhere I am, daydream, forget I’m a grown up & can’t stop bein’ a jerk
X - X-rays you've had: a family photo of my teeth, knee(several times), elbow, head & my fuckin’ lungs
Y - Yummy food: pizza, hams & spaghetti (none of ‘em good for me!)
Z - Zodiac sign: saggitarius (I love this sign, archer, feel sorta powerful!)


A day in windy city
Today I�m sure that I�m Trueman (Trueman Show) the windy city�s 7 degrees hotter than bean town & worse than that it�s rainin� what a nice weather!
Terri�s got a Peugeot 206 though I still want my own Viper, it�s a cool auto, the only problem�s that you can�t feel how speedy ya�re movin� so may be fined!
In my whole life I did one thing on time & that�s the permit, thanks Keith fuckin� right this time.
We went shoppin� & I got 5 boxes of M&M. I�ve ate a lot of junks & a lot more carefully baked meals here that I�m quite sure gotta have a diet when back. On the way back home sth foolish flashed in my mind & it happened so don�t focus on bad things too much.
Terri lives on the 21st floor & I was wonderin� if the elevator�s outta order, now I know the answer.
You have 2 choices wait till it fixed or use stairs, I chose the latter �cause there was our lunch on the stove!
Another discovery�s though you walk up & down your 4 storey building doesn�t mean you can do 21*16 (at least) stairs!
Have you ever tasted unripe grapes? Well I haven�t, it�s sorta sour; Terri got a little vine, she took 4 bunches & extract the juice, really good, & the pic�s actually what I was talkin� about, I shook it hard to give a better look (what I could be later!).
I�m still readin� that Hobbit book, not to bad for sparin� time!
And the last word to those guys who�re wonderin� what a hell I�m doin� in here. Surely didn�t hit the jackpot, a friend of my lovely buddy, Dog no sorry Doug, wanted to pay a visit& luckily got a problem so gave me his tickets in half price, gonna pay him later!
I recommend you to ask your Lord to push your manual button too, it�s really great!
Hope it rain in Bean Town so I won�t feel down in the dumps!


Hi guys
Everything�s OK. Sky�s blue, the sun�s shinin� (read this part in day light �cause it�s 9:30pm) & life�s BEAUTful.
Chicago�s much better than Bean town, it�s cool here & I love Lake Michigan more than Atlantic Ocean.
Wish you where here, and I miss nobody, but you�re welcomed if in Chicago (Not Boston).
Terri�s very happy to see me & me too. Spendin� the last few months with guys I almost forgot what a great gift women especially mothers are. So thanks Lord & especial thanks for pressin� manual button!
I had big lunch & a very good dinner, said G�night to Terri, brushed my teeth ready to go to bed, jus waitin� for tonight tale. Have BEAUTful dreams, mama (Terri) callin� me.
Hey Dou, guess I�ll stay here for a month so I generously contribute my share of meals to you.
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My nightmares

Part II: Vital Razors
Sorry guys I didn’t write about my trip to Chicago, it jus’ happened so quickly & unplanned. I was packin’ till 4:20 am & went to bed at five, I rarely sleep more than 3or 4hours but today I was sleepin’ till a quarter after nine. I was supposed to get up before 9 ‘cause my flight was at 10. Doug had gone already leavin’ me a note he got an important meetin’ & set the clock to wake me. No necessity to mention that I shot the clock outta my room. So no time for breakfast & this stuff; ran to Logan without even brushin’ my hair. Luckily, was on time to be the last one to get on board. Gotta mention that hadn’t shave since the time I went to NY (that’s about 3 weeks) so a perfect gentleman, didn’t have time to change my clothes (gone to Labdel last night & hadn’t changed) when the air hostess came to me she treated me in an insultin’ way that I decided to complain to the manager. But this behavior went on. A guy sittin’ beside me acted in a way that I smelled that really hurt me took a shower yesterday!
Till here it was good. When got to Chicago the cop stopped me & asked for my ID, the conversation was as below:
Cop: you come here
Me: who, me sir?
C: yea gimme your ID
Searchin’ my pockets It took several minutes& the cop was really hot under the collar.
M: here sir.
C: name?
I clucked a little, it was written there.
M: Keith Thomason
C: age
He was drivin’ me crazy, did he wanted to send me to prison, anyway he asked about my father’s name, where I live, what I do, why I was there….
Then he showed me another room & said: there
Oh Hell, frisk, he was jokin’ I was really shocked & didn’t know what to do. He shouted:” there or I’ll arrest ya!”
The funny thing was that behind me was an Arab who barely spoke English & he was allowed to go without askin’ any question.
I had to go to that room, there was a big guy, even bigger than Doug standin’ with his gun, he shouted: ”Spread”. After goin’ up & down my body 2 or 3 times, he was quite sure (not completely) I wasn’t a terrorist. Thinkin’ London’s bombed they look for ‘em here. The guy asked:” where’re ya from?”
M: America he laughed, actually teased me! “& your father?”
I told him that my father, my mother, my grand parents, my great grand parents, my great great grand parents (continue till you repeated great 5 times!!) were American, and then rushed outside.
Hey not yet finished, finally arrived at Terri’s place, rang & waited after 5 minutes she came opened the door looked at me gave a loud scream & almost shot the door, I was quick enough to put my feet in. when she was convinced I was myself, she let me in.
Conclusion: fortunately razor had been invented so please before tryin’ any US airport use this brilliant invention! Well it seems that I resembled Bin Laden (is the spellin’ right?)Alqaede (again check the spellin’) leader, quite cool, so hope they let me join the US branch of Alqaede, guess gonna make lots of green notes& then I can go round the world!
The last word: as soon as had a little breakfast, I took a shower & shaved, again became what I was supposed to be, but there’s a question; if you were a cold blood murderer (terrorist) would you move around countries so picturesque! (This word doesn’t mean what you think, it’s used as obvious and shabby)
Anyway I found out what frisk really mean& it’s a bit different from what’s shown in movies, it’s fun tryin’ it once!

The letter to God

Dear Lord
During the previous days I called your home and cell phone but unfortunately you were not available.
Then I IMed & SMSed you still no answer; so I decided to e-mail you.
Lord would you please press the manual button of my life.
Yours sincerely
K.N. Thomason

Dear readers

Dear readers
I went through this blog one more time & found out though there was a little improvement it’s still a pile of shit.
So I apologize to you from the bottom of my heart.
Decided to do some changes, for e.g. addin’ my nightmare part. Hope ya enjoy it.


My nightmares

Part I: Roach Midnight Raid
Saturday night was a usual summer night like the previous nights.
Had dinner & went to bed early in order to read “The Hobbit” named book but fell asleep after reading the first 10 pages. I was sleeping deeply, really deeply (think I might be drowned in my dreams if it was deeper!) when that unfair attack happened.
In the middle I my dreams thought I was led to some beautiful place with a lot of light ‘cause the too much light was hurting my eyes, then I felt the fragrant smell of insecticide being sprayed continuously near my fucking nose. I couldn’t resist any more so with a lot of effort & endeavor I opened one of my eyelids. Then send my visual data to my brain it ‘caused a 4ft jump.
Oh heavens, my big black buddy was spraying his deadly tool on a lovely roach that broke my heart (attention please the deadly is used for me not for the little 2inch lovely roach!)
No more insist was needed to get me outta my bed. So made a 6ft jump over Doug’s head to get outta the room. Then went to the kitchen to make use of being awaken & have some water with eyes almost closed. I left a little crack between my eyelids to let some rays in to find my way without stubbing my toe on anything!
I was continuing my sleep while drinkin’ when thought something flew by my nose. Analyzing carefully found out it was another roach, so without hesitation shouted:” Doug Here”
Any way to make the story short, me & gusty soldier Doug won the unfair roachy raid gamely though there were times the attackers threaten our lives!
Conclusion me & Doug were awarded Medal of Honor for our heroic resistance against the foe.
4 of the invaders were killed & the others retreated.
Me & Doug came to an agreement on the best method to face roaches.
Well it’s put in top secret category but I tell you ‘cause this sanguinary (please look this word up ‘cause I’m not sure if it’s used in this way I meant enemy gory) of human can go anywhere.
The best way to fight this brutal enemy is to spray it with the best insecticide (roachicide) available in your area then equip yourself with a hard sandal & run after it till you hit him hard. Death is inevitable but there’s a little disadvantage & that’s the body that is flat & sometimes stick to your sandal (depends on the blow!)
A recommendation is to use one of the sandals you don’t like to wear anymore.
Wish you like against the powerful enemy.If you know better ways please share it, at the moment me & Doug are workin’ on a mouse trap project!

This is one of invaders photos taken after death.
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At last Green Spider died utterly I have to throw it away, so this is my farewell.
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Yesterday I didn�t have lunch & this is what I made for my dinner, sometimes I wonder:� Am I on a diet�
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Gotta express my grief & condolences to British people.
I can�t imagine how they can kill innocent people like this; think they�re not humans, jus animals.
If they have problems with G8 why kill other people, cold-blooded murderers.
Think there�s one thing to ponder, if they wanted to threaten G8 why they bombed after selectin� UK for 2012 Olympic Games & not before it, the same thing goes with September 11th that towers where almost empty!
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At last I did it, easier than I thought. Instead of lookin’ for a job, I went & got my drivin’ permit.
I know it was late, but I didn’t want it,(it was all Kim’s fault!) I’m not goin’ to buy an auto till I can afford a viper, so that’d be next century.
I’m back to ‘tallica boys, think got addicted to ‘em. I tried Rasmus sorta ridiculous like Blue. I also listened to Papa Roach, guess nobody ever told their vocal that his voice’s terrible; gotta remember to tell ‘im!
It’s 10 after 3, haven’t had lunch yet, never mind I’ll have it with dinner; I need some sleep, didn’t sleep last night. Wanna put my nightmares in a box, lock it & throw it to the deepest part of nowhere land’s ocean.
Can’t keep my eyes open anymore, think it’s ‘cause of that fuckin’ sleepin’ pill. Gotta go to bed.
Hey Doug, don’t forget to buy some bread & chocos on your way back home, we’re outta bread & don’t make noise I’m sleepin’
ain't it a nice place! It's where I spend most of my time. Posted by Picasa
I’m afraid of the day; they catch me& put me in a cage in animaloo!

PS lucky H Dennis don’t like New England, I didn’t want this big storm send me to hell!
PPS those guys in Florida can watch Dennis passin them, have a nice time there!


This is my desktop, the horizontal lines are because of contacting rays, I dunno what these rays do with us, gonna put a Maldini pic on the desktop, no more Metallica (Alcoholica!)
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Unlike GS Indiana Ent & UFK-571 are getting too tall!
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Look green Spider�s dying, any suggestion to help!
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odd day

Think Lord forgot to put my life selector from automatic to manual during the creation!
Today’s an odd day. Think my life’s got a new style; it’s just AC/DC that’s it. Hey why do you get the nth meaning of every word I say. To your twisted mind: AC/DC means its changing every week, one week so happy that even your death won’t hurt & the other week so down in the dumps that I can cry for an ant movin a big seed!
Today’s odd, all I did was gazin at this square screen writtin & reading. I didn’t go to work; I’m not goin to work tomorrow
I won’t go to work the day after tomorrow; I will not go to that place again. I really hate that guy, that place, that smell, that…
I’ve been reading some other blogs, comparing to mine, it’s just pure shit.
Sometimes I wonder who cares what I do. I’m a human being nothing interesting about my life. I’m not inventor nor a poet nor a writer nor a politician, I’m nothing what’s interesting about a nobody.
Today’s an odd day, I went to my never land, it was different, I looked for that familiar darkness, familiar lovely emptiness, nothingness, the nothing surroundin the place, oh Lord! What happened to here, I was jus a week a way & everything was gone, terrible mess all around the place. Who put that ruins here, they don’t belong to me, I didn’t order it. I want my nothing back!
Today’s an odd day. I’m tired of Metallica, I’m tired of hearing Jaymz voice, been their fan for nearly 2 decades never felt tired of hearin their sound, now I hate ‘em, wanna change my pc theme, hearin Hetfield’s voice opening & closing each window get on my nerves. I made this theme, I loved it for a long time but now I hate it. Lucky I don’t live in CA ‘cause if I bumped into those ‘tallica boys I’d give ‘em a black eye for bein so fuckin borin!
Now there’s sth new playing, listenin to BJ “sleep when I’m dead”. Such a collection of shit!
Green Spider’s dying & I dunno what to do. I really feel helpless if only I could help it!
I’m lookin for a new job but won’t go to that fuckin place again!


So many good things this week.
Met a friend after 11years on a bus. None of us remembered each others names. I was sittin on a seat tired of the Kittatinny mts, N.J hikes with Kim & her friend Nina, a guy asked me:� do ya know me? lookin at him, said:� sorry no."
Then he asked if I went to Campbell secondary, surely I did, then he introduced himself.
I couldn�t believe my eyes, such a good friends we were. Havin a lot of fun, especially when we fastened other class mates shoe laces to the bench! He got out so early that I forgot to ask for his number, hope I can meet him next time I go to NY!

Aha we had a nice baseball game, but my team was terrible match. You can see the list of players below. (we were 8, so don�t look for the 9th player!)
Giggly Sheep: Regina, Brenda, Frank, Devin, George, Jamie, Steve & me (C)
Wild Dogs: Neal, Elena, Paul, Gerard, Clyde, Hugh, Dave & Doug (C)
I know it was obvious that we lose, but Frank, Regina & Jamie were great batters, we could win if only Devin could made a home;
I must confess I played worse than what I thought missed 2 balls. But I made 2 homes (I ran instead of Regina!) & Fiona was the ref.
I'm sure we can make it next time; all we need is some exercise. I tried to draw a field ( well we draw lines with chalk in the middle of our street!) guess it's like anything except a field!
PS we had 9 innings, me & Doug played twice.
PPS I know my drawing's terrible but tired my best.
Have a nice sleep!
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When got to Bean Town found I forgot my camera, so sorry no pics of Boston for this time.
Thanks Kev, he sent me a pic of fireworks in NY from Hudson river, hope ya like it!

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Once a year I remember one thing. I�m an American, American, American.
Ain�t it patriotic!
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some philosophic quotes

Miss a minute in your life’s better than missin your life in a minute!
Everyone’s runnin for happiness, you run too but slowler please to let happiness reach you.

4th of July happens once a year so with a little delay, congratulations!
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OK OK let me see (a friend of mine told me don’t use lemme in written!)
What a great week it was, wished I could spent most of my times like this.
I wanted to write earlier but didn’t find time, sorta busy.
One the most remarkable things of the last week was my great great discovery in computer world. Though it’s not as important as Christopher Columbus or James Cook discoveries, but it’s worth sayin.
Walking through the mysterious land of internet, I jus bumped into a way to fight depression & stop those who wanted to commit a suicide.
There are several suggestions by the experts in psychology that isn’t related to what I wanted to say.
Believe me this method isn’t too expensive but I should warn you of the side effects.
Ok ready, let’s go.
All you need is a visa (master or others also accepted) & a good net connection. Now you’re ready to download some of the best pc games available on yahoo. If you know illegal ways to do it, it doesn’t affect the result (don’t forget to share it with me!)
I just name some games, its usage & the effects.(in alphabetical order-I did it jus for your sake ‘cause you asked for it-{do you remember that ol’ show!})
OK this is it:
Brick of Egypt: not really helpful for avoidin suicide, it’s good for spending time & it has no side effects, highly recommended for those guys who loved playin Games in their childhood( hope some of ya still have it, do you remember times ya carried it everywhere with ya, & mom kept on shoutin’ but you just moved to a higher level & couldn’t stop, those guys who lost that lovely thing, they can use their cell phone as replacement in the present time & watch their worm while it’s moving around the screen & getting bigger!)
Casino Island :this game’s designed for those who love playin cards & gambling; this way won’t hurt anyone & their family ‘d be safe ‘cause they don’t lose any money (sometimes you wish the bucks ya earned were real, but ya can’t earn bucks like this in the real world unless you are an expert in cheatin!); About the bad side of the game; well you jus keep on playin till your pc explode or someone blow your mind; either way, it’s harmful for your health, so don’t play more than 2 hours per day, it’s not a bad idea to spend a while in REAL CASINO for a change.
Chicken Invaders 2: this one’s for guys who have problems with their room mate, home mate, class mate, co-worker,
co-boss (Do we have such thing?!) & other mates & cos (plural of co). when you find one of these species, put 2 chairs by your pc (laptop for wealthy ones!) & then click the game, imagine the one who’s on your nerve at that time & shoot, when the chicken explode it really gives you a feelin of release! Watch out the eggs; they’re really dangerous. One tip in playin this game’s choosin the share life option, so you can use your partner’s extra lives! About the problem; well playin too much affect your senses thinking every one’s a chicken & gotta shoot ‘em, you can hear them squeaking… besides you may feel hungry seein so many grilled chicks!
So if you’re on a diet don’t play this game, have a nice chickeny (filled with chickens) day.
Chuzzle Deluxe: well this one’s good for those who love balls & defending animal rights. They’re really alive, distracting you from your game. Not a bad things but the noise they make may drive you crazy.
Diner Dash: if you think ya need some physical activity or wanna find some experience in a restaurant, this game may help you; well before tryin this game, just wanted to ask your age! What 20 30 40 oh no this game’s just good for pre-school age!
Luxor: This one’s indeed a good help to increase your thinking & deciding ability; so if you feel outcast, disappointed, depressed… try this. It can help ya build some confidence, guess this one’s one of the few useful pc games written in this year. I really enjoy playin this game & it’s highly recommended (obviously by me!) well don’t play it late at night ‘cause it gives ya the feelin of getting trapped in a pyramid, it has nice frightening sounds!
Slyder: guess this one for kids 4-8, you may enjoy it, but it has terrible side effects. If ya spend more than half an hour playin it. You’ll feel the world’s spinnin round your head, then it’s hard to stand & please don’t try drivin ‘cause accidents will be inevitable.
Well for the ones who want to try X & see how hallucination is like, don’t do that, just play this game & everything goes the same. Be careful ‘cause people may think you’re drunk!
OK enough for today, got a lot more games to introduce but enough for today.
About today, it was really great. We spent most of the day playin baseball, though my team lost, we really enjoyed it & Fiona baked a very very big cake.
I’ll write more later!


this week

No more complaints, I read my last post one more time; there’s sth obvious really obvious about it; it’s jus shit, pure shit.
I was jus wanderin why none of ya guys told me I have no talents in writin, guess jus made an ass of myself by tryin to write a blog.
Please forgive me, had no better idea, when you have over 20 hours everyday (4hours for sleepin or at least tryin to do so!) you gotta find a way to entertain yourself, don’t ya?!
I tried to make a poem, no success at all.
I really feel sorry for those guys who believed my last post, there’s sth wrong with their mind or they don’t know me at all. I prefer dying to doin such things; some times I joke about it but never thought of it & won’t think of it!?
OK, lemme see what happened this week; so many good things, quite a lovely time except Kev won’t go to San Francisco, so I’m goin back to Bean Town.
Just to name some I accompanied 2 nutty girls to Kittatinny mts, N.J. carrin their backpacks 2 days long, then met my close buddy ,Shawn, after nearly 1.5 yr; what else aha Doug got his job back & I slept over20 hours in the last 3days & ate tons of junks, guess getting fat, gotta go on a diet!?!
I’ll write about the good events of this week later ‘cause I think this 4th of July is one of those boring ones. So keep your pcs on gonna write more shiiiitts soon!