What do you do when you're bored?
I write down a word & take the letters individually then try to make as many words as possible, not too bad, it keeps me busy,
Today I wrote Keith & without any hesitation I added Thomason, then took K & started key, kite, kettle, keen, kangaroo, karate, keep, keeper, kernel, ketchup, kid, kick, kicker, kidnap, kidney, kitten, kitchen, kill, killer, kill off, killer whale, karma (do I like this word, lemme see no! I don't cause I can't think of any good action to save me) ok what else aha I forgot sth important; kiss, kissing, kiss away, kisser, kiss ass,… enough next is E like egg, elbow, edge, eagle ,ear, earl, earn, earth..
No this word's really boring let's stop; now try saying keith keith keith & then kiss kiss kiss yea if you say it quick they look quite the same(especially if you don't emphasize on pronuncin th correctly!), ridiculous name, ain't it?
I don't like this name, it's too short too foolish.
OK I can't do anything it's my name, lemme see the important guys with this name:
Keith Waterhouse born, Feb. 6, 1929, Hunslet, Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng. novelist, playwright, and screenwriter noted for his ability to create comedy and satire out of depressing human predicaments.
Ok the next one's Keith Jarrett born May 8, 1945, Allentown, Pa., U.S. jazz pianist, composer, and saxophonist considered to be one of the most original and prolific jazz musicians of the late 20th century. He was also a noted classical pianist.
Then comes Keith Castellain Douglas born, Jan. 20, 1920, Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Eng. poet who is remembered for his irony, eloquence, and fine control in expressing the misery and waste of war, to which he was to fall victim.
Then Keith Roberts Porter born June 11, 1912, Yarmouth, N.S., Can. Canadian-born American cell biologist who pioneered techniques for electron microscope studies of the internal structure and organization of cells and tissues.
Then Sir Keith Jacka Holyoake born Feb. 11, 1904, Scarborough, N.Z. farmer and politician who served twice as prime minister (1957, 1960–72) and was the first politician to be appointed governor general of New Zealand (1977–80)
The next is William Keith Brooks born, March 25, 1848, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. Zoologist known for his research on the anatomy and embryology of marine animals, especially the tunicates, crustaceans (e.g., crayfish), and mollusks (notably the oyster).
And the last Keith Nathanial Thomason born Dec. 7, 1980, Los Angeles, Ca., U.S. zither player, basketball player, metallurgist known for his genius, disastrous brain and is considered to be a shame in Thomason's family who never had an idiot like him.
Well there were so many other Keith named guys I just mentioned the most remarkable ones. Well most of these guys left school before finishing except the last one, that I really admire! (Grammatical problem: most-except?!!)
Ok now let's talk about the last name; it is obvious his folks really loved "th" as you can see KeiTH NaTHanial THomason
& talking about the meaning Keith means forest (Welsh), Nathanial: gift of God (Hebrew) & Thomason: son of Thomas (??).
It means God gave a son to Thomas as a gift but he was lost in the forest!
OK enough for today, if any one needed any definition on a name just send an email & I'll give him/her the full root.
Isn't my name really interesting?
PS I was reading some other blogs, then find out mine's sorta different, it seems I'm not a puppet like others or no one's as foolish as me to write so many cliché things!?